What batteries to test ...

What batteries to test ?

Ok just wondering if there are any particular cells you guys are interested in ...

I have a pair of Superfire 18650 waiting testing , but there was a recent back log , so I didnt have time .. Currently testing KD charger ... [ was also on the back burner ]

So hopefully soon these will get reviewed properly .

But I was just wondering ...

Myself , I have a hankering to test the Fireworm RCR123A's [ 3 of them ] , the two 18650 cells Ive tested were good , but a little pricey ...

The little RCR's are more reasonable considering the usual buy in for decent cells is $5 for a pair , so $8 or $9 a pair is not outrageous , especially if there good .

Anyhow thoughts are welcome , and a quick note , anyone wishing to donate to the battery testing fund can do so [ old4570 at yahoo.com ] via PayPal .

So let me know , what batteries you guys are interested in ..
