New Panasonic NCR18650B = Efest?

Are the Efest protected batteries the new Panasonic NCR18650B 3400mah? If so, these are the only ones I can find available, and for quite a reasonable price(assuming you buy several, since the shipping is added in extra). This is actually cheaper than the Xtar 3100 from the same seller.

The “higher end” cells like Orbtronic are $27.00/each. OUCH!

Yes, the Efest protected batteries is new Panasonic NCR18650B.

Price is USD7.42/pc. Button top and protected. ( Not including shipping cost)

Efest: At that price they are very appealing, might have to get a couple some time. Any idea of when you will have unprotected Panasonic 3400mAh cells in stock and the price? Thanks!

I think you can easily remove protection and get unprotected batteries.

Efest are top quality going by the ones I have tried so far.