survival pack,survival kit

hallo here someone,who bought any survival pack or survival kit on these chinese eshops?
any experience?
i need more of them…thanks:))

What survival kits?

survival pack!!!

It looks like someone is already well into the survival Cognac.


here’s a free way to get started on deciding what you need in a “survival pack”

You mean something like this: ?
It’s mostly crap, but better than nothing.

i’ve seen a couple, maybe dx, but normally they’re not worth the price. If you’re looking for something altoids tin size, you can get a tin somewhere and buy the stuff for the kit yourself, then you can build one with what you really need (and yes, you can get the stuff from fasttech, dx, etc). If you want something already ready to go, Haggai gave you a very good link, but you can get something much better for half the price. That one might work as a cool gift for someone, but only if that someone is not gonna need it :wink:

i am making one for myself, it will include: a small axe, small tarp, 0,5l cleaning alcohol, stainless steel pot, matches, swiss knife, rope, duct tape, a piece of garden hose, some tea and/or soup bags :slight_smile:

That’s gonna be a big one ! :wink: My survival kit is more of basic items, and as light and compact as i managed.

I haven't seen a survival kit worth buying. You have to know what scenario you're planning your kit for. A kit for stay at home survival is going to be very different from a survival kit on the move in a vehicle is going to be very different from a survival kit that will have you moving on foot.

Yep, yep… mine has a few basic components to which i add specific stuff, specially according to environment/weather conditions. Lernt that the hard way…

Spot on.
The last thing I would do is buy some cheap kit mass produced in china.

mine is mainly made with made in china items, but selecting which ones i need, and then making sure they’re good enough. It’s amazing how many people go hiking without just a f*#ing simple first aid kit, not to say a survival one…

Each survival kit should be created by the owner after reading everything that he can on them, and it should also be adjusted for the season and/or the area, which for me means from small camera pouch size to about quarter the size of a butt pack (half the size of a cigar box) during winter.

One absolute, is that no matter how much you want to carry, it must be small enough that it never comes off your belt.

One of the primary purposes of it is that when you throw down your pack and set up the tent and go off exploring, wandering, looking for fire wood, that the kit is on your belt, not lying with the rest of your gear back at camp.

Something that people often forget is the ability to carry water, while finding water when lost is great, without a plastic bag to carry some away with you, then all you found was a single good drink.

Here is a link to one, it doesn’t suit me but it is a good place for the OP to start looking, the more he looks, the more he learns and refines his own.

good point ..

Prepared for ...What ?

Darkness ....? I got it covered