Help choose: Fenix LD22G2 vs eagletac D25A2 XML2 or XPG2

I’ve been going back and forth on the Fenix LD22G2 and the eagletac D25A2 XML2 or XPG2.

Need a good 2 AA flashlight to keep i my truck with decent battery life.
While the eagletac with an XML with suck down the power i does have a medium mode that is really high.
Or will the XPg2 be enough light.
Either way i can’t decide and it’s startig to drive me nuts so i thought i would ask other members their opinions

tuff choice.

fenix and eagletac are both in the same upper division.

Personally, I have been using a Fenix LD20 in my car for the past many years. I know the off current is zero, but I still store it with the batteries outside just in case.

Sorry, but why? If you use alkalines then I understand, but for Ni-mh or lithium I can’t see any benefit to that.

I keep a box of alkalines in the car.

Ok, fair enough. But you should look into getting some eneloops too now, much better regulation and runtime on the high modes.

In the case of what this light is used for (car stuff) I am not worried about using the best batteries for finding a wallet under my seat.

But for something that absolutely has to work, like the batteries in my pd32 on my AR, yes, I use the best CR123a’s I can.

without links to your recommended product your post is worthless. this is BFL and it's all about buying the best stuff the cheapest possible. so always directly point to your recommended products from your store, appreciated.


I suppose, but what’s great about eneloops is that they:

1. Don’t cost too much, and should save you money in the long run.
2. Run for longer than alkalines at higher levels.
3. Don’t leak (so can be left inside the light).
4. Don’t self-discharge, so can be left and forgotten, and still relied upon to hold charge when you need them.
5. Work well at pretty high/low temperatures.
6. Once used for a while can simply be topped up to full charge, so you always have relatively full batteries in the light.

I get where you’re coming from but if you’re already using a pretty decent light like an LD20 then investing in good cells to go in it seems well worth another $10 or so imo, as they should last you for years.

Thanks for the advice on how to use this forum. I was worried that I would be accused of shilling if I were to just link to our products in my posts.

Right now we have Nitecore CR123a batteries in stock, however we now have a manufacturer of great quality CR123a batteries, and we will be bringing these in under our own brand in the coming month or two.