"this flashlight have a chip inside?" what does this question intend for

“this flashlight have a chip inside?” :quest:
Got this messagel from a customer. what does he mean?
if it means PCB, then every flashlight must have one.
anyone please can help me out there?

You probably need to provide more information/context, but if I had to guess, I think that he means what you said, i.e., he’s asking if the flashlight (whichever one he was talking about) has a driver chip, like an MCU. He may be thinking that some flashlights could be direct-driven from the battery, so he may be wondering if that’s the case with whatever light you both are talking about.


thanks for the opinion, and this is the flashlight in discussion

Ahh. Ok. Since that is single mode (on/off), the person may be wondering if it has a driver/MCU as I mentioned above. Since it is one mode only, it might not need a driver, but I’m guessing that it probably does have one, at least for something like power regulation, but you’d need to either know or check on it :)…

Yes, I know how to answer this. this is about what’s happening between the LED and battery.
Driver - Flashlight Wiki and referred flashlight wiki.
it says “Only by correctly combining the power supply, driver, and LED will a LED function properly.”
this is broadky speaking.
what’s really at disscussion is the system function between LED and battery.
if I answer him yes or no, that would be an easy and not very good answer.
thanks, ohaya. :slight_smile: