5 amp driver issues?

I’m thinking of trying a 5 amp driver in the Home Depot Super thrower. If the heat is under control, will there be any downside?

The heat from the 4 amp driver is sucked up so well by the beast that I can barely feel any extra warmth at all — even after 30 minutes of the light being on!!!. And the 4 amp driver pushed light output up about 8 % from a 2.8 amp driver.

My question: Is there any downside to using a high-amp driver like this as long as the heat is wicked off? Will the emitter toast in a couple days? Will light output with the 5 amp driver be insignificant over the 4 amp driver? Any other downsides?

Thanks for everyone’s help.

(BTW, I’m getting 40k lux in the HDST with a U3 emitter and a 4A driver off a 18650 — a 32% increase over the 27k stock setup.)

Admin: You can kill this thread. Somehow I ended up creating two of the same thread.

Blfers please anser the other thread.
