Got my Trustfire J-19 today. First Impressions. Beamshots page 11

Ok this is the big head 3 emitter trustfire. Horribly underdriven, not as many lumens as a good SRK just a shame, especially considering that it has the new XM-L2 T6 emitters. As you can see it's huge, but actually although it's heavy it's easy to carry. It's balanced well so it's not a problem, the handle is very comfortable.

So is there a reason why it's so badly underdriven? Not because it needs to be. There is plenty of heatsinking. The pill is large and screws into the head. Really couldn't be better. The reflector is DEEP way deeper than the SP03 but about the same size diameter. It's easily as deep as the Shocker and has a very small defined hot spot. The head is about as heavy as a SRK full of batteries.

Oh and did I mention that the driver sucks? Well it does it's junk at least this one that I got from Wallbuys. Notice the cheap driver and how it's wired. Also the pill is all scratched up.

I don't have any beamshots stock because I just didn't bother with a ceiling bounce it was not as bright as a SRK and like I said that is a shame. Lucky for me I had an extra DRY driver and I even had something to use as a contact board. I didn't go all out and put super heavy wires or do any other resistance mods yet. I really don't like the looks of how the emitter are stuck on so I was afraid to fry them. I have a bunch of emitters on the way that are on octogons and when they come in I'll go to heavy gauge everything and copper the springs for max low-resistance.

Oh and the emitter is 25mm in diameter.

I'll post some beamshots later tonight although I can tell you already that it smokes the SP03 although stock it wouldn't touch it.

My initial impression is that this is a light that I wouldn't buy unless I knew how to mod. But if you do it's going to rock because it's an easy one to mod and lots of good features to work with.

Why do they tease us with bigger cells and more emitters just to let us down?

There should always be a flashaholic’s option on all lights that are driven to the max. Theres always med and low modes….am I right?

Right on, I have no idea why they would make this light with that driver in there. It’s like building a Top of the line Porsche and putting a stock VW bug motor in it. On the plus side it’s an easy one to mod.

They cheaped out on the driver… that sucks. That is the TR-3T6 driver, which is not capable of driving three emitters very hard. If you want to get up to 3A+ you’ll need a driver swap.

I thought I had seen the same driver before. I already swapped out the driver and put in a DRY driver. It’s bright now, I’ll know more tonight. But it’s actually a smaller hot spot than the BTU. The reflector is really deep. it’s blinding right now on a white wall, where the SP03 isn’t at all. Next move is the driver below, de-domed XM-L2 U2 1A on octogons and super heavy gauge everything.

It’s still going to come in at under a hundred bucks.

I think this one is a winner despite the driver. Easy to mod and great reflector. It’s heavy and the heat sinking is excellent.

I thought this was a 3s light, why parallel wire the emitters? :~ heck, they may as well not have bothered.

I know, I was shocked when I saw it. Just blown away that they would take such a nice host and put that junk driver in it the way they did.

Doesn’t make sense for the price. I do like the look of the reflector and heatsinking. Thanks for the review. Looking forward to the beam shots.

You put the emitters in series now, right?


With the dry driver in it walks all over the SP03 not even a contest. It’s a great balance of flood and throw on the throwy side for sure. The reflectors seem to be the same size just this light has much deeper ones. I really can’t wait to get the emitters and other driver in. This thing is going to be insane. To my eye it’s already as good as the BTU shocker is stock. Although it’s really hard to say without having them side by side. I almost bit the bullet and bought another shocker yesterday and now I’m glad I didn’t.

The first picture of each set is the SP03 the second is the J-19

Thanks 18650, this looks like the new thrower host ‘to get’. If your results with the DRY driver prove fruitful I suspect the modders of this forum will be inundated with requests huehue.

Wow. Very nice. Thank you 18. Looks like a winner.

I was going to ask relic what he thought, and was actually thinking about buying it, but glad that you reported to us what it is, dang. Way so underdriven OEM, but that can be fixed, might even be a good MT-G2 host with the right driver, thanks for being the Guinny :smiley:

wow thats a pretty nice light you got there after the mod of course. oh man, i cannot wait till you super drive that thing….please report back when its complete….im thinking your gonna hit 3000 lumens and 150 kcd?

I’m probably at that right now. I just took it for a pretty good walk and it didn’t even get hot. It warmed up right away and stayed that way just warm, on turbo most of the time.

Oh and thanks and you’re welcome to everyone.

I’m actually thinking about getting another one for an MT-G2 host, the driver is the same size as the IO driver. It would drop in with just a very little bit of filling down. Maybe next month.

Nice looking beam shots! I can’t believe for that much more and that big a light they didnt do something better with it either. Means us people with no workshop area yet shouldn’t touch it :expressionless: I wonder how the J20 is…

I almost bought the J20 instead but I was afraid that if it wasn’t driven hard I wouldn’t be able to fix it. I knew I could with this one because of the batteries being in series. There are tons of options for those. But the lights in parallel are really hard for me to do anything with. I guess we’ll find out soon because Johny Mac has one on the way.