One-way trip to Mars

Yes. Mars the planet.

Apparently, over 200,000 people have signed up to qualify for the trip, with the first flight in 2022.

Boggles my mind.

I wonder what kind of lights will be best.

Mars One Foundation website:

as long as keith lemon is on that flight with no oxygen, all I can hope is they accelerate the departure……I really hate keith lemon with a passion……

A ton of people I’d like to sign up for it.

I don’t think most of hte people who have signed up understand how difficult it will be physically or more importantly emotionally

I'd want a LOT of spare parts and a great faraday cage to store them in.


These people will never get to go home but staying in Mars for the rest of their lives, really crazy.

I wonder how do they duplicate human civilization over there, for instance how to deal with crimes, what kind of monetary system will be implemented, education, medical service… etc.

I bet I could get some incredible beam shots on Mars, what with the thin atmosphere and low humidity. The dust storms would be hell on control rings.

I believe I should go live on Mars

I'll just bet they have really cool bars

I will have a cold beer

Through the skydome I'll peer

At the billions of twinkling stars

I think life would be great there on Mars

We would all drive some super fast cars

When the workday is done

Then we'll all have some fun

Singing songs as we play our guitars

It will be one big party on Mars

We will smoke on the finest cigars

Terrascape it to order

Then defend every border

A wonderful place to call ours

So Welcome ! You pilgrims of Mars !

Where everyone lives like rock stars !

We keep only the best

And recycle the rest

Into slurry we keep in glass jars

Will that space craft allow lithium batteries to carry ?

There goes the neighborhood.


i smell total recall J)

What is the delivery time for packages from China to this space ship?

I'm sure they will build a tall fence to keep all the Marsicans out.

Yeah, can they still order flashlights from Mars?

I’m sure a lot of them joined up for the “fame” too. I hear there is supposed to be some reality type show to “interview” them and have people vote on who should go.

It all seems rather pointless to me. They will basically live in a 200 square meter prison for the rest of their lives. They aren't allowed to explore or develop. They have to stay inside their housing unit. They can do that anywhere, why go to Mars? At least make it interesting and give them the capability to explore and expand.

We already have this in a show called "Big Brother" except this one is permanent. Once viewers get bored following their ordinary lives inside a prison on an extraordinary location they will be forgotten by most people. Doing it for the fame? The girls? Oh, that's right...all the money and p***y is back on earth. Bummer, dude.

Naw before going there is supposed to be some “show”. Basically a reality show before leaving to decide, who knows how long that will go on, and if the winner will actually accept going…

But yeah, to “win”…isnt really winning in my view either…however I bet the “losers” will be thrust into the public eye afterwards too :stuck_out_tongue:

a big brother style show?

seriously, just shoot all the applicants and be done with it.

Why would you want to leave such a beuatiful planet that is perfect for man.