Windows 7 help with freezing cursor

I am supposed to be some sort of computer expert, but I have no idea where to start on this.

My mouse freezes, sometimes very often.

It is not a hardware fault, I have two mouses on the computer and both freezes at the same time. Disconnect/reconnect does not fix the problem.

Windows does not freeze, I can still use the keyboard and there is no slow down of the computer.

The device manager says that the drivers are working.

The freeze is not related to a specific operation, I can be working in a graphic editor or in a browser or somewhere else when it happens.

A check with google just gave me a list of register cleaners and checking them with google does not look like reliable software.

It has started recently (I cannot pinpoint it one any specific software install), usual my computer can run for months without reboot, but recently I need to reboot multiple times daily.

I wonder if it is some sort of virus/joke software, but my antivirus software has not raised the alarm.

Does anybody have a good idea where to start?

optical mouse?

Check to see if dirt is on the lens

Have you run the basic TLC, defrag, clean out the registry and garbage on the system

Have you installed anything recently, and has anyone else been on your computer

I use Malwarebytes, CCleaner, and MyDefrag as my basic housekeeping software

What antivirus do you run? Uggh who am I kidding…you probably are better at this stuff than I am!

Out of curiosity, is your keyboard also USB based or is it PS/2? Have you tried swapping ports between the keyboard and mouse if they are both USB? (just trying to rule that out).

Back from the 5 reboot today.

I do not run any cleaner or defrag software, it is many years ago I have needed that.

My antivirus is just the basic, I.e. MS security essential.

Yes, both my keyboard and my two mouses are usb. I do not see any reason to swap port when I have two mouses that dies at the same time and device manager still reports them as working.

My computer is reasonable fast, I do upgrade every few years. My current computer is a quadcore with 16GB ram. When I do not have to reboot all the time and can keep all my software running the ram is a bit tight, especially when editing photos.

updates? How often does it update the software from M$ itself?

Sometimes the ports are on different virtual hubs, so one can quit working or bug out while the other is still working. I was just trying to eliminate the simple stuff before moving on to the more complex stuff. This has nothing to do with the speed of the computer and it is highly unlikely that it is a virus.

The antivirus is with automatic updates, I do not even know how often it updates.

RMM: That was a good idea. I have used "USB Device Tree viewer" to check what devices are where and the two mouses is on the same internal hub. I have started something else on the same hub too see if it is the hub that dies (I doubt it, device manager ought to report an error on the mouse if this happens).

no no…the automatic OS updates from M$…does it automatically get them

With CCleaner you can also see what is starting up at boot time and disable or even remove it

M$ secruity essentials has come a long way, but I really like Avast or AVG free…

Might also try this

USB selective suspend under power options…hmmm

Virus definitions was last update today at 21:00, the answer must be yes.

Generally I am very careful with installing software on my main work machine. It has to work all the time. Reinstalling or setting a new computer up, usual takes more than a week and I want to avoid that.

I.e. I do not believe that I have any software I want to disable or remove.

I have tried AVG, but did not like it. I do not remember the reason anymore.

Both my mouses has a tail and why have the problem first started recently?

It could be the hard drive starting to fail. Try defragging it if you haven’t already. Use defraggler and run the full (not quick) defrag. Try a tool like PassMark DiskCheck

Another good test, run CrystalDiskMark with the default settings on your C drive and report the results.

Although I just noticed that you said both of your mice have tails, I’m a little confused as to what you’re saying. Is it lagging to the point where a tail like illusion is seen, or does it look more like trails of mice in the picture here:

I would usually say to look at the hard drive, but usually the whole computer begins to freeze up whereas here you say that everything runs full-speed still with keyboard commands.

There's something goofy going on with the drivers or with the USB/motherboard hardware itself. Figuring out what exactly it is can be daunting when the device manager says that everything is working properly and you haven't changed anything.

I would expect a harddrive problem would show up on keyboard too, they usual do.

I have had many harddrives fail over the years and never seen anything that just stops the mouse and nothing else.

Note: I am looking at the different programs that are suggested and will probably try some of them later on, but I doubt any of them will solve this problem (Maybe a good registry cleaner might fix it).

Failing/overheating video card?

No lagging or illusion, the mouse point stops completely and will not move any more (It might disappear, but not always).

I have seen it happening when dragging a selection box in a photo program. The box just stops expanding (Mouse button is still pressed and I do still move the mouse) and I cannot do anything with it.

I know you said the drivers are fine, but try updating them anyway.

Also very strongly suggest a basic maintenance cleanup, I'm also a bit fan of CCleaner.

If none of that helps, you will be left with trying to rule out hardware failures one by one. The most annoying ones I encountered personally, was with RAM, and hd.

Also might be worth checking what services and processes you have running. Possible there is a conflict with interference to USB. Not an ideal option, but if you have a PS2 input, grab an adapter, and see if that helps.

I would also expect that to affect keyboard operation.

This is my first computer without a video card, it is just using the video in the processor and it is fast enough to handle what I do (As long as I stay away from 3D computer games).

Whatever it is, the only thing that can freeze your mouse I believe is a Kernel mode driver. Nothing else has the ability to block the whole system like that. Look at your list of Windows updates and see if it updated a driver recently. Did any hardware change recently? But it’s definitely hardware related, or at least driver related. So it’s either bad driver or a good driver with bad hardware. I would look at I/O first, like a hard disk. Do you have more than one hard drive in the system?

Well if that’s the case, how do you know the keyboard isn’t working when you’re dragging out a picture? This sounds like the whole computer is freezing up momentarily, so I’m still inclined to say hard drive until I can get some more information about it.

If all else fails it may work if you try a system restore to an earlier date.

Ok, I have downloaded CCleaner Professional Trial.

My harddisk was a big mistake, I have 3 disk in a raid 5 configuration on a Intel controller, I will never do that again.

As I said, the keyboard does not lock up, I can just use the keyboard to save the picture, switch to a text editor and write some test, then reboot the computer. The mouse will not work before I have rebooted the computer (No need to do a cold boot).

That might be a good idea, I have not checked what checkpoints I have.