WTT: DQG Tiny 18650

Guys, looking to trade my DQG Tiny 18650 (ver 2) with Starry BLF edition SA-22 (regardless cw/nw). This light sells for USD35 at CNQ.

Please note that the DQG light is sporadically functional, a common known issue.

If you are a modder, you may be able to right the issues. The head is definitely 100% functional, issue lies with the body contact.

shipping each to cover his own (I’m in Singapore).

I’d be interested in checking out the smallest 18650 body as a host, even if it can’t be fixed as-is.

I can trade this:

It’s quite nice, not nearly as bad as I make out, it just costs too much (for me) to feed. You could get it bored a couple mm to get 18650s to work in it, I’m sure…

Or as I noted in your thread about your light, I could fix yours for you, for no charge but postage & any parts if any need to be ordered — parts from my box I’m happy to find a home for. (the close look at this host will be my reward).



Thanks for the kind thoughts. For your first option, I guess I would rather trade straight up for the BLF Starry light (though I already gotten one) as i feel that is a very good and versatile light and I can pass one to my family member who knows only AAs.

As for your second offer, that is very very kind of you. Should there be no chance I’m getting a trade for the Starry light, my DQG will be knocking your door soon. :slight_smile:

avoid DQG 18650 for good |(

Thanks for the warning, but I don’t care what their issues are. I want, essentially, an 18650-sized Al or Cu “cup”, with a threaded mouth. I’d want to use one or two QTC pills (at the bottom to eschew torque) and DD a NW XM-L2 under a TIR in the head cap.

For my next trick, laying in some wires or something that lets the user’s hand turn it on, so you adjust brightness with the QTC and head turning, but it only comes on when you pick it up. EDC. Later…

I’m going to stick my neck out here & say, look for my “Steampunk EDC” of moldy Schedule K Cu hard pipe covered in clear powdercoat… But I gotta start somewhere…

I actually do hope you find your trading partner & you both get the lights you want!


Latest update:

I found where the lack of conductivity is. One is at the head, the part where the aluminium head screws into the first black body, and the second one at the tail cap.

For the first part, there is almost no conductivity as the part of the black body meeting the aluminium head is recessed, thus it is hard to establish contact. For this issue, I soldered 2 pint size metal droplets onto the outer ring of the gold of the circuit, establishing contact (abeit a haphazard way).

For the second part, it is the same with the tail cap, i.e. the part of the tail cap that is meeting the mid body is also recessed, hence the lack of contact. As such, I folded a piece of aluminium foil into the tail cap to reconnect conductivity.

Now the whole light is fully functional, although the innards are littered with metal dots and aluminium foil, which is reversible.

That said, i am still inclined to trade for the Starry light. :slight_smile:

Still available for trade…. Note it is fully functional now