Test: Basen 18490 1100mAh 15A

The 1A results from the smart chargers is higher than expected, which may be because I did not let the batteries settle between charging and starting the 1A discharge tests.



Top & bottom Label pic #1 Label pic #2 Label pic #3

Discharge Graphs

Charging Graphs


Batteries provided for testing by: Basen Group

To simplify testing and prevent mistakes, batteries in each test were charged at 0.5A and discharged to 2.80V.

The discharge test at 10A uses a different procedure that may have up to 20% error.

More battery tests here.

Test equipment upgrades coming.

Nice review! Thank you for doing this for all of us.

Leafty, I don't know if you are aware about Basen charger. It discharges with half of the current that is displayed on the screen. Didn't know that either, but took some discussion with Zoe and careful reading of description reveals that too.

You could also read my review to get that information (Admitted: I did first publish it today).

Yeah, I've just read it. Didn't see it before. In a conclusion I would add suggestion for better rails.

That's good to know. I didn't know until HKJ's review that it worked with nimh's either! I'll have to put a footnote on those results.