How to fix scratches on the dome?

I did my first MT-G2 build last night and it was quite a success, except that I accidentally put some scratches on the dome as shown in the picture below,

The LED still does work but I am not sure if the scratches would affect the beam pattern in any way (it’s gonna sit in the HD2010 smooth reflector). Also the scratches do affect the cosmetic of the LED a bit.

MT-G2 is expensive and I hope I can fix it. Any idea how to make them go away? Can I run it until it is hot enough and use a towel paper to ‘smooth it up’, or use a sandpaper to polish it?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Put some alcohol on a soft cloth, and try to clean it.
If it’s only some dirt on the doom, it can be cleaned.
But if it’s really a deep scratch, it can not be removed anyway.

Sandpaper probably wont work on silicone. Razor dedome is an option.

Ever heard of water balls? I imagine that applying optical grade silicone over the scratches would have the same effect of them disappearing. This is fertile ground for experimentation eh?

I had a scratched XM-L dome once, and used clear nail-polish to “re-coat” the dome, and it worked. (but yours in the photo looks like deeper scratches.

They look more like gouges than scratches. How did you manage to do that?

Time for dedome.

Thanks for the input guys. Man it doesn’t sound optimistic at all. :frowning:

I put a reflector which has an opening too small for the MT-G2 on it and this is what caused this. I know it is stupid.

I am still hoping for an advice to fix this.

You can still get them at about half price here still?

I have a few buggered up LED’s that I use for testing drivers out on the bench with. I dedomed 1 MT-G2 and it was the color of a Thomas Bus!! YUCK!

Found this from a old thread? Cost more than a new MT-G2, use it to seal dedomes??

Thanks for the input guys. The plan is I am going to change it into a new MT-G2.

Could you cover it with a bit of norland and cure it? I find it covers blemishes well.

I'd just run it. Make sure that it is clean (any flux in there will burn) and it likely won't affect that huge MT-G2's output or beam very much at all. If you're planning on scrapping it anyways, I guess you could try a dedome, although the MT-G2s are the hardest to do right.

Gunga, Thanks for the suggestion but I don’t know how to get some of these, plus the possible expensive price and the hassle to do it…

Richard, I do think that the scratched area may not really affect the beam pattern so I will not throw it away anyway. I’ve never tried dedoming any MT-G2 emitter and I don’t think I want to risk it. :frowning: