Defective Flexible Neon EL Wire Light Dance Party Decor Light from Banggood

I was happy for about 20 minutes.

Update: Got a quick response from Banggood. They’re sending a replacement. Now I’m happy again…lol

It’s just the extra moonlight mode. You should be happy :wink:

It’s now smelling like overheated electronics. If it burns my house down, I’ll think about what you said about the extra moonlight mode, and smile as my house burns down. Willy, thanks for looking at the positive side. Greatly appreciated!

Ouch! I wanna see the vids of you wearing and dancing with this thing! It's got great reviews, but BG only publishes the good ones. Maybe that's why?

Stock answer: "Send it back for a full refund, you only pay the shipping"

Tom, I’ll make a video of me setting it on fire before I’d send it back. And that’s a promise!

That's cool too!

Anything to please my friend :slight_smile: