Most powerful light for least amount of money?

Curious what this would be? I don’t mind using something older.

I’m looking to replace a 3 D cell LED Maglight with something brighter.

EDIT: I should add that I’m not afraid to break out the soldering iron, Dremel tool, or duct tape.

Welcome to BLF!

You know about Li Ion Safety? If not, or it has been a while, please cick seond link in my sig :wink:

The Convoy C8 comes to mind, quality light.

Funk, buy it quick, the sale might not last long. 1000 lumens in small package for 20 bucks.
Several on the forum have this one.

Thank you Miller for the important warning, and yes I do know about Li Ion safety. I’ll also check out your link and thanks!

This sure is a nice little light
There are some issues with charging but the colored LEDs behind the switch showing cell status are cool.
A stock Convoy C8 is brighter though.

Interesting! Thanks to you both for pointing to the two lights. They both look like a lot of power for the buck.

Miller, question for you. They’re both rated around 1000LM, can I be sure one is brighter than the other?

EDIT: Wow!! just saw your build thread. That’s pretty interesting! How much do these cost and how would they compare to the two 1000LM lights mentioned?

If you want to spend 20 bucks check this out.
Convoy C8 XM-L2
Convoy S2+
This an American seller and he ships fast. Caution! These lights will get you hooked on modding and you will spend much more than your initial Jackson.
There are numerous upgrades for both these lights since you are handy with tools. Good luck, and welcome to the forum.

My brightest light is a single 18650 xml T6 (I think) generic on ebay for $13 shipped. For super bright I would just wait on some of the automotive headlight LED stuff to filter into flashlight sizes. The 50 watt H4 replacements I’ve seen are beasts.

The Nitenumen has size (its is nice and small) and status leds behind switch to its advantage
It is not worth more then $20 and even if the deal ends the lower price will return.

The Convoy has brightness and super simple operation AND maybe future modding options to its advantage
Also check out the versions, you have 2 colors (black or grey) and two main led (XML2 or XPL HI) choices, a variety of tints and mode options.
order 1 from Simon and you get a personal made for ou light for around $20
GREY (very nice color)
I can imagine that f you message you want the XPL HI in grey it maybe is possible also but idk

I ordered a black one with mode options and tint that I liked and a few days later Simon introduced the grey, I messaged him if my black could b changed into grey, within the hour a simple “yes” and two hours later it was shipped.
Shipping takes long, and knowing how good of a light is coming it feels even longer :smiley:

+1 To all of the Convoy products. Simon is one of the few Chinese vendors that maintains top notch quality!
I own a handful of Convoy C8’s. I love the look of the matt black Anodizing. Machine work, especially the threads is excellent on all of them. The choice of emitters is a big plus. Can’t go wrong with a Convoy C8 :wink:

So… if I order another C8 just because I want a gray one, does that mean I’m addicted?

In case of the Convoy C8? No you just be a very smart guy :wink:

Whew, thanks Miller, I thought I had a problem :slight_smile:

Heheh NOT having a grey C8, now that is almost the definition of having a problem :smiley:

Another vote for a Convoy C8, not an ultrafire C8, a Convoy C8. There is a difference quality wise. If you can spend another 20 dollars I would highly recommend the Supfire M6 from Mountain Electronics here:

It will get you jump started into the world of extremely bright budget lights.

We don’t know where 777funk lives, shipping is added for that Supfire.

For somebody new a nice zoomie would be cool to add to the C8
The cheapest decent one is fthe Warson X65 IMHO
But a SK68 and SK98 clone can be found for less then $10 for the two.
Doubling the initial amount can give better lights but isn’t it a challenge to find the most bang at real budget pricing?

I’m in the US. Just ordered each of the Sk’s you mentioned for $7.25 for both on ebay. Look like great deals and thanks! Surely the SK98 isn’t really 2200 Lumens though???

Just typical product exaggeration I assume?

You may be disappointed with the sk’s as the one’s our members know and love are equipped with legit cree emitters, and everything for sale today has the dreaded lattice bright led, even though the ad may state otherwise. Most of the time the sellers don’t know the difference.

If you can spring for another light here’s another vote for the convoy c8. You will be getting a proper led and you will be very pleased with the light.

And you’re right the sk will not haver 2200 lumens, if you get a lattice bright led you may only see a tenth of that.

Honestly I would cancel that order and put your $7.95 toward something better. The chances of you even getting an sk with the specified xml t6 is very low.

We are all about budget here but expecting to get 2 lights that you will be happy with for 8 dollars is not possible.

Do notice that while TheMiller mentioned the sk’s, he also said “The cheapest decent one is the Warson X65” with emphasis on the word decent.

As the OP has stated “I’m looking to replace a 3 D cell LED Maglight with something brighter.”
For something around that sort of size, 3,000 plus lumens, excellent build quality & about $50 for either, how about the Convoy L6 or Thorfire S70 :slight_smile:

Ahh! I guess that’s the scary part of buying from the bait and switch China market.

So it sounds like I just bought two counterfeits with my SK’s?