Where can I find a Convoy C8—(XPL-HI) that”s :

1—Cheapest Price

2—Free or lowest cost shipping

3—Fastest Shipping to USA

4—Has a BLF buyers discount code to use.




I don’t know about 3. and 4.

Direct from Simon Mao of Convoy at his store over at AliExpress or from MountainElectronics in the USA.
They might not be the cheapest, but you are guarantee of getting the real deal and Simon offers 15% discount to BLF members if you message him in advanced while MtE should have the fastest shipping as they are based in the USA.

If you want something better than stock, you might see if any of these are still available:


My C8’s have all come from FastTech, and so far so good- all were real and as advertised. Better selection than Simon, but I’ve heard of some FT lights not being as advertised so there might be a risk with them which you won’t have with Simon or RMM (Mtn Express).

In the future I’ll be using these sellers when they have what I’m looking for because of their stellar reputations which they’ve earned and deserve.


Yeah , I’d heard that about FT before. Do you or anyone here on BLF , have a current discount code for Simon or RMM ?

The fastest shipping within the U.S. (and great customer service) will come from Mountain Electronics. Shipping isn’t free but is reasonable. Richard (RMM) is offering a “guppydrv FW Upgrade” which is highly recommended.


There’s no discount code from Simon, but what you do is you message him on AE that you’re a member of BLF before you make the purchase and he’ll tell you how to do it.
AE payment procedures are not as simple as Amazon, so he has to tell you the workaround

I saw your reply about Simon in post #4.—- In my last post , I was really asking about a discount code for RMM or from other
suggested Convoy C8 sellers . I was just asleep at the wheel , so to speak ! Thanks for your help.

I like fasttechs multiple options on many convoy lights …plus their tints are much much better than Simons .
I’ve yet to get a tint I like out of Simon … 8 lights later …I’m done trying .

RMM’s discount is only 3% I wouldn’t worry about it …i’m guessing it’s BLF

try the search in the upper left hand corner of every page

Since I’m looking for the Cool White (I-A Tint) I have a few ??’s then.

1—A little explanation about Simon not providing the tints you wanted ?

2—About how long did it take before Simon’s Convoys arrived ?

3—Since no problem with FT , what’s their shipping time ?

My C8 XP-L Hi from banggood, I applied coupon BLF for 3A tint.
Bought May,28 arrived June,8 to Spain (UE)


Damn ! That package got to you quick !! I have some ??’s

1—What shipping option did you use ?

2—Does this light have the LAST MODE MEMORY ?

I have use the standard shipping, this is my fastest arrived item from banggood, normally arrives in 14-18 days.
I received a strange tracking number not useful for my country, but I am happy :wink:

Yes, there are last mode memory and you can change between 2 group of modes: Low/Mid/High or Low/Mid/High/Strobe/SOS

Doesn’t Simon have some posts on BLF ? How to find him here ?

Oh man, Simon has posted several cool posts where Convoys are assembled or tested, try the search fundtion upper left corner.

Found him ! I’d used the search button before and just forgot it ! Thanks for the 2nd kick in the rear.

Looking at getting 2 of these

My boys like my Thorfire C8S (XM-L2) but I reckon they’ll get more enjoyment from the XPL-HI in the Convoy because of it’s better throw. Seems all they want in a light is throw and strobe!

Which emitter should I go with for more throw V2-1A or U6-3A? My gut says 1A

Love to hear your thoughts
