Everydaysurvivalgears 4th annual BLF/Old Lumens scratch build contest entry

Hey guys this is my build thread if i done some thing wrong let me know please?

Now i have an idea and i have the parts but i need to make it work! My build is easy i just want it to look pretty and well finished. I started a while ago but i cracked the glass on the old hurricane lantern so i had to buy a new one i wanted it to look rusty. Either way i have always wanted to build of these lanterns with LED’s

Parts list
Hurricane lantern
LED heat sink
Buck driver 3-40 volts @ 3 amps max input minimum is 4 volts
Spare switch laying around
Screws and bolts
LED choice is hard i wanted to use my XHP35 but i can not get the driver to work properly currently a XPG3
Battery holder i am using a 3 AAA holder right now
Maybe optics depending on how the beam looks
Also maybe a reflector up the top so less light is absorbed into the lantern roof

I want of this to fit inside.


I think this looks cool


This driver is being a pain it will not step down to 3 volts I wanted to use cause it looks fancy with the LCD


LED options are still open


I want to use 18650 but this is safer for testing what work!


I need to do some cutting also i need to fit every thing in. I am thinking about sawing the bottom of and using a hinge to store stuff inside?




Optics is a pain in the arse i can n ot get the light diffused enough?


Switch and battery holder still have no home i am weighting up options first i want to get the optics fixed


I am deciding to many options. This is a new driver.


Testing with optics its not so good. Beam is to focused.


This is about 3 meters away its not bright but not dull. So what should i expect?


I tried to make this photo as realistic as i could.


Another one!


Okay guys i am trying a few different things right now i am get maybe 5 meter distance round with enough light to read. So much lost light! I may wire the switch to the top and just put a cover on it. Its an easy enough project but i want it to last so i can use can actually use it. Electrical wise easy job just cant get the beam right. The problem is if i cut some thing to fit the batteries in it has to work because i don’t want to buy a new lantern

G'day everydaysurvivalgear,

Looking forward to your Sydney's Aussie build. Go Aussie Go!!

Best Regards & Good luck wishes,


looks great! :+1:

Great to see you jumping into the comp!

I really need to set aside some time to get my build happening…

Yep like the others say. Thanks for jumping in. What you have looks like a good start. :+1:

Thanks for the support lads

Does some one want to Chime in and tell me how i should get this gear inside the lantern? I want it to look nice so if i cut it open it may look bad?

The bottom sounds like a good idea. Were it not for the enamel I’d suggest trying a can opener. Large diameter hole saw using a pre cut guide block instead of the pilot bit or a jig saw with a metal cutting blade. Dremel would be my last choice. Definitely well wrap the rest to protect it while you do whatever.

It would be cool to replace the bottom with a clear acrylic disk to view the internals. Could easily glue mounting pads for the components.

I haven’t had time to go into all the build threads yet. Haven’t even decided what I will build yet either. Anyway, just saw this thread on the front page. Looks like a pretty cool idea.

Maybe your electronics and LED can just go under the wick cover. Will the 3AAA holder fit down into the tank standing up? A smaller switch (expecially a momentary switch) would fit in the side port and sit on the ledge in it. I bet you have already thought of those ideas. Best of luck on your build :slight_smile:

I am liking all these different ideas thanks esg

Thanks for the helps guys!

Does any one know about optics for a lantern? I can not remember the Tint of this XPG3 but its like 4500k i think.

I had a similar idea but with smaller plastic lantern. Here you have a lot more room to play with.

My suggestion is to go with the XHP70, 4-6 18650 and a 3 power settings driver. Warmest white possible. Your diffusor is nice, but you can put some frosted self adhesive sheet over it to soften it even more. 2700K is okay for sitting and comfortable to the eyes. Also it looks natural to the lamp style. XHP70 is very efficient and will provide a lot of lumens for a small amount of power, and in the same time blast the whole yard with light if you poke it with a stick.

Very nice project by the way.

Hey mate thanks heaps!

For now the XHP70 is out of the picture no spare cash.
But i have a XHP50 here and the driver i can use. Do you think it just needs more power? Its about 900 lumens now but a lot of light get wasted. I was going to use the old driver in my original post and the XHP35 but i am not sure how much light i need.

For a lantern you want the opposite of a thrower so the larger the die the better and diffusion film on the lens. MT-G2 or even COB with an inverted cone reflector above to redirect the light going straight up. Remember, an led outputs more of its light perpendicular to the die. Also, spreading the lumens around like this will make it seem dimmer so it takes more lumens to appear as bright as a focused beam. A vertical hex shaped sink with a cheap led on each face would be another way to go.

I have a spare MTG-2 I’II donate to you if you like. It will need a minimum of 6 volts to run.