WTS or WTT Solarforce tailcaps and tube.

So, I have at the moment unused S8 (HAIII) clicky idling there.

Also got S7 clicky (HAIII) and 18650 extension tube. Tube is barely used.

On top of that, one 3-mode 4,2V max R2 dropin with OP refl. Unknown manufacturer, no spring on PCB.

I´ll ship intl. not looking to profit out of these so it´s OK.

For trades, offer solarforce-stuff or something, WF-501A, whaddyagot - beans?

S7 is a twistie/momentary one

Yes it is. Quite small tailcap but only twisty / momentary.

I am interested in the S8 switch. I just want to know what color it is, both the tail and the tail bezel (if different) and if the tail bezel is removable.

I don't currently own a solar force flashlight but am going to get one, just looking at some bling I can get for it. =D

I live in Australia btw, so would you ship here?

Hi and sorry for the slow reply...

S8 is in all-black and does not have a removable tail bezel.

I would ship but since it is over 30mm in thickness with packing, it´ll cost me some more, around 6-8$ if I remember correctly, just checked it a couple of weeks ago.

Never mind about the tailcap anymore, I have already bought some stuff from solarforce :)