Looking for a new 26650 charger ( fast charger )

I am ditching 18650 in favor of 26650 and so i also want to update my charger as it only do 500 mah ( nitecore D2 )

I would like to charge with 2 amps, or 1 amp on the days where there is hurry.
So i have found this one locally at a vape shop, and it seem to be able to charge 2 batteries at 2 amp.


It will set me back 42 USD and will enjoy the local warranty we EU Danes got.

I just wanted to see if you guys think its a waste or there are something better out there for me ?

I will let this post ride for a few days before i hit the buy button.

how about hobby charger, where u can adjusst up to 5 amps?

The Xtar SV2 does 2 26650’s at 2 amps. I’m loving mine.

Okay i think the SV2 i read specs on must have been mislabeled then, but ill see if i can find that here in Denmark too ( was Amazon.DE or UK i found it before )

I do have hobby chargers and about 10 kilos of 3 - 5 cell batteries ( 1300 - 8000 mah ) for various RC stuff and my G-scale trains, i was thinking if i could get some form of adapter to hold the batteries then i could hit them really hard if i wanted to.

But to be honest i never charge my lipos hard, 3 - 5 amps at most, even on the ones i could hit with 20 A and still be way under the recommended charge rate.

2 amps for +4000 mah batteries sound fair to me.

Here’s a review on the SV2 by HKJ Click here

I found the Xtar SV2 locally but it is only 7 bucks cheaper, will have a look later on to see if any of the Euro Amazons have a better deal.

If you all ready have a hobby charger (for fast charging) I would go for an analyzing charger. Like opus or liitokala. The opus can do 2A charging and 1A charging on all 4 bays. Cheaper then the one suggested in OP also

Another vote for the Xtar SV2 Rocket :+1:
2 x 26650 at 2A each if you want to :slight_smile:

Super simple and reliable. The opus on the other hand, has a common issue with its fan failing

I have all this charger go with the xtar sv2.

Yep, Xtar SV2 Rocket would be hard to beat!

I have found the Xtar SV2 Rocket within my reach in EU-ville :smiley: Thanks for the enlightenment guys.

BTW instead of conventional smileys why don’t we have bulb shaped smileys on the forum ?
Okay i know you don’t find many flashlights with bulbs in them nowadays, but still more fitting i would say.

So a update on this for anyone that’s interested that is.

I picked up that 6 channel efest charger today, not least it was the last one in the shop and had a American plug resulting in me getting it 1/3 cheaper :money_mouth_face:
Thats a good deal for putting a new plug on a chord in 120 seconds, well over both Danish and American minimum wages.

I have a pair of SV2s and love them!

Here, they’re pictured next to a pair of VP2 chargers. The VP2 was my first XTAR charger. No regrets. I love their chargers :slight_smile:

I am not a believer in fan-cooled battery chargers. It shouldn’t be necessary to use a fan, if proper heat sinking is incorporated into the design of the charger. A mechanical fan is just one more part that can possibly fail, over time.

I hear you, brother. They do seem to multiply, along with the battery collection,don’t they?

Can’t say I’m real crazy about this MC6. It’s got its quirks that I’m not very happy about; but I do love all of my other XTAR chargers.

Hehe like :sunglasses:

Will probably have to add to the efest charger sooner or later, but hoping i can push it long enough for even more awesome chargers to hit the market.

ATM i only have 2 flashlights, and with the Q8 inbound i think i will be able to make do, for now.

Nice!!! :+1: … Thanks for posting those pics ‘david57strat’….
…… I’m now feeling a lot better about all the stuff I have accumulated. :wink: