Acceptable capacity difference for paired cells

I ordered some cheap 30q’s from GearBest awhile back, dropped them in a Lii 500 for capacity testing with the Nor (discharge measuring) test. Results were:


I suspect these are close enough to be safely used in a 4x parallel light (ie Q8) but wanted to check with you all first. Thanks in advance!

Do not worry, you can use a battery in parallel with ANY capacity.


This is a Very dangerous and misleading statement. You should qualify that statement.

G'Day barrybluejeans,

Those Samsung 30Q batteries are virtually the same capacity, particularly when you take into account that the Lii 500's capacity testing has an error range (+ & -).

Best Regards,


silly question, but can we assume that they have reasonably equal internal resistance, regardless of their capacity?

I don’t see anything wrong with the statement above.

RTFM. Or are there special laws of physics for Australia?


RTFM too.

OK, I RTFM. It reads:

I still see anything dangerous or misleading in the statement above.

Within reason, yes, as long as you make sure to charge them close to the same voltage before using them. And the OP’s cells are well within “reason”.

Ty ponyal vopros voobshe?
Raznitsa mezhdu vnutrenim soprotivleniyam est ili net?

Did you understand the question in the first place?
Do they normally differ in internal resistance?

Если честно, то вопроса не понял, даже с гуглем. Если имеется ввиду, можно ли соединять элементы с разным внутренним сопротивлением, то я ответил на него - да, можно, и пофиг на сопротивление и ёмкость. Если имеется ввиду, изменяется ли внутреннее сопротивление батареи по сравнению с отдельными элементами, то ответ - конечно, закон Ома ещё никто не отменил и считается оно соответственно.

The weather is good :wink:

Thanks for not answering :slight_smile:

The thing is it was a bit silly reaction from this Australian guy, but you see you Wildcat look not much different :slight_smile:

Again, for God’s sake, will someone answer: Is internal resistance (let’s limit discussion for LiIon batteries, for example) dependent on their actual capacity – I assume it somewhat may be

More capacity -> less internal resistance -> more current in the circuit

The same obvious things: increasing the capacity can be considered as a parallel connection of batteries. The capacities are added together, and the total resistance decreases and is calculated according to Ohm’s law for parallel resistances.

So, ,finally confirmed
Thanks a heck

check the cells with a multimeter too be sure.

Check what exactly? Volts? Resistance?
And based on what values can he be sure to parallel them, in your opinion? :slight_smile:
