A new standard in Lithium 18650 technology

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you a new standard in 18650 performance.


With a rated capacity of 4200mAh and “Re/Discharging Protection Circuit”
It remains smaller and lighter than a standard unprotected cell

Don’t be fooled by copycat cells that have “FIRE” in their names :rage:
FITE is the genuine article
and has the performance to prove it!

I am now witnessing 18650 batteries on ebay and aliexpress now with a claimed capacity of 9800mAh. Yep. No typo

9800mAh is so low.
You can get 12000mAh now :smiley:

It would be cheaper for them to increase the capacity instead by dropping the m in mAh, it would save some ink.

But I guess their customers are looking for big numbers, and wouldn’t understand the significance.

Same real Mah as a Nitecore Tini :person_facepalming:

Zulumoose, how did you acquire the ULTROFITE?

I hope you didn't actually pay for it.

A friend had a cheap zoomie that this battery came with. He asked me if the battery was any good, so I popped it in the Lii 500 after a good laugh.
Zoomie was better than most, has a rotating ring to set the level of zoom, and clean white, not angry blue, but it didn’t have a brand name on it. Even had a built-in charger, but not USB, a tiny toothpick style plug with a dedicated transformer.

I recovered a set of 6 zero volt batteries for him from a laptop pull, and even though they were very old (I think 2010-2012) they recovered to 90% capacity and retained voltage for a week. So he’s happy. I asked if I could keep the Ultrofite as a curiosity.

You’re a hoot, Zulumoose!
I wonder if it’s even an 18650? If you’re feeling adventurous might be interesting to see what’s under the wrapper.

Fite the power!

Once I opened some blue generic fake capacity 18650 and it was actually 16650 with plastic tube around and it was used in battery pack before.

i like it ( evil snicker ) …

Thanks for the laugh! Wonder what is inside? Something like this perhaps? (Photo borrowed from this Hikelite OP)

Lets buy it some fit for dust batteries lol…. what a joke

recalled chinese drywall dust.
hey they have to get rid of the toxic stuff somehow!

when i saw this post it got me hopeful for some amazing new cell. At least it didn’t cost me a bunch of $$ to replace cells.