discount for TC66C - tester for USB-C

TC66C has been on sell for one and a half month, and it is “Global Fashion Festival” now, so you guys can get it with lower price.

if you bought our other items before, I promise that you will like it because it is much better than other devices.

If you never heard about us, why not take a look at my e-shop, it won’t cost you much time and maybe you can find some interesting items you need.

Now only need $17.55 to get TC66 and $22.5 to get TC66C.

here is our e-shop address: [click here]

here is address of TC66C:[click here]

You can see detailed information at product details page, include the comparison of TC64 and TC66C
and you can see basic information here

If you have any advice, you can leave comment here, thank you! :slight_smile:

From your AE page:

By “needs more testing” do you mean it’s not a finished product yet or do you test every unit prior shipping?

Can I save the data in onboard memory and retrieve the chart via Bluetooth? How many slots and how many data points per slot? is written one and a half month ago, it is beta version at that time and we forgot to delete it, of course we will test each unit. can use offline storage function to save data in TC66© and export data to PC software by Micro-USB cable, not via Bluetooth, there are two data group, and you can set record period,for example, if you set recording data every 1 second, it can record up to 24 minutes;if you set recording data every 1 minute,it can record up to 24 hours.

Thanks for the discount, will look into this one. But there are so many USB testers nowadays… can’t really know where the differences are.

Thank you for leaving comment, at product details page ,you can see the comparison chart, we have UM series for USB-A port, and TC series for USB-C port. The main differences are measurement accuracy and special functions, APP communication is the most special function of our product.

We published TC66C two month ago, and today we published usb tester AT35, based on AT34 ,if you know information about AT34, it is easier to understand what AT35 is,
it is improved to displayed in 5 digits and has higher measurement accuracy. Of course you can see the detailed information by clicking the product link:
click here to see the details

where is the comparison chart of UM to TC ?

we don’t have chat for that