A bright moon!

How bright does the night sky need be for you not to not need a flashlight/headlamp?

I need a full moon with no clouds in the sky.

Unno, I’m kinda like a cat, and can see in almost total darkness.

Then again, even days like today when it’s pouring rain, I’m wearing sunglasses.

No moon is bright enough to convince me to go out without a flashlight or two. :innocent: But a full moon somehow spoils the joy of playing with throwers or extreme flooders. :rage:

Full moon is amazing, it is very nice to walk then. I always have flashlight, but I prefer to turn it off and walk with only moonlight.

Ok… do not try this at home…

When I was a kid, gonna date myself here, my buds and I would go out on a snowy, full moon lit night and chase each other around open corn and bean fields on 3 wheelers and dirt bikes with out our lights turned on. My eyes were good then and boy was that fun. A 200 acre field with a drainage ditch and train tracks made for great fun!

Before my wife an I were married, we were out in the country on my motorcycle and going slowly enjoying a late summer evening. I told her that I wanted to show her something and killed all the lights while I drove on. Once she got over the SHTF moment she started to realize just how beautiful a ride like that could be.

Now day… my eyes are not worth a darn at night. But a good full moon night in the country is still something to enjoy!

If I am walking the nature trails in the evening or night I always bring a light. But a full moon can illuminate fields and pathways beautifully.

When I was younger I would hike at night, even with very little moonlight. Just starlight was enough to get me through familiar terrain.

But I’m the same way, now that I’m older I need alot more lux to do the same things. My night vision sucks now. Probably from years of working as a welder.

Me too. When we were kids on our motorcycles and no drivers licenses yet. Used to ride the back roads all the time but full moon nights meant main highways with no headlight. Not much traffic then in the country.

I don’t really know exactly how bright the moon NEEDS to be for me NOT to need a flashlight…………but I was out taking some beamshots for a review the other night and had a big giant light from the sky shining back at me.

What is this insanity you speak of? Not NEED? Have you lost your mind??

Well some have question that. :innocent:

Yea, i used to love those late night outings under the clear moonlight. I can still see in the dark fairly well but not nearly as well as i used to. But that is what the lights are for now. :stuck_out_tongue:

ANSI thinks I need 0,25 lx where the moon delivers just 0,2 lx at most. Moon: 0, flashlight: 1. At least, within reach of it.

I drove from New Jersey to Wisconsin with a girlfriend and her family when I had perfect eyes. We were in some state alongside a mountain on a winding road and i saw how bright the moon was so i shut off the headlights. We were all a little tense in the car except for her little brother & sister who was telling me to drive faster. Her parents and aunts were in front of us and pulled over, so we pulled behind them. I asked them what’s wrong. They thought we were having car trouble. I told them we were enjoying the view. They shut off the headlights and we sat there for 20 minutes without a word until a car came along with the high beams blasting music and ruining it all. We were about to get in the car and her father said thanks to me for thinking of it (I remember it distinctly because he hated me and it was the first kind thing he ever said). Now turn the lights on before i kick your ass and make you walk the rest of the way.