Tank007 E15

Stumbled upon it on Alibaba, there are quite a few listings for it there.
It’s shorter than DQG Hobi, takes 3xLR44 and may be convertible to 10180…
Has TIR and SMD LED.

An 10180 is a bit higher, 18mm, one LR44 is 5.4 mm x 3 = 16.2 mm. A LR44 is 11.4 mm in diameter, so that will fit. If this uses spring for the battery contacts, the 1.8 mm might not be a problem. I do think 3 LR44 might have a bigger capacity (0.558W vs 0.37W) and this flashlight won’t provide any protection. Will probably ruin your 10180’s fast.

A.f.a.i.k. none of those 10180 lights have protection.
But maybe some do.

Yeah, probably has a contact board rather than a driver. Ideal QTC host. :slight_smile: