ThruNite Flashlights Livestream

Hello everyone,

Welcome! Be sure to join our facebook group and follow our page and youtube channel.

You will also be the first to hear about sales, special offers, new product rollout and exclusive events. And I’m excited to tell you that we are going to host a live streaming every Thursday on facebook. That’s the “ThruNite Thursday”.
And we will be active on all of our social medias. Let’s see what happens!

ThruNite facebook page: Redirecting...
ThruNite Home group: Redirecting...
ThruNite official site:
ThruNite youtube channel:





Giveaways hosted on Facebook and announced on BLF???

No thanks

sure. joined your page.

Note the recently clarified BLF Rules on Giveaways:

Why not a giveaway for BLF users instead of facebook users?

As stated in the forum rules… This is not allowed…

Just to let our fans know the news and what we are doing.

Oh sorry. Just see the rules. Will delete this soon.

This is not my lucky day. Finally a Thrunite GAW I’m allowed to join, but are unable to do.

I don’t do social media, because I’m socially challenged.

We all are Henk, that’s why we live on here lol! :stuck_out_tongue: