wrapping for a slow touch down.

Is it just me or do any of you guys like wrapping your batteries so they slide down the tube nice and slow?

Just wrapped a few new batteries today for that slow touch down.

LOL I am a bit weird.
That slow sinking battery with an air lock slowing its decent sure does pleasure me. :laughing:

Why not just tilt the light so it slides very slow? That’s what I do.

Piston rings.

I’ve only done it accidentally, but I do love it

I’m guilty of this too. It’s a nice feeling

that’s what she said!

No way, by accident? That’s impressive.

I wrapped some electrical tape around the battery to stop it rattling, but when I put it back in and it eased down delicately like the damn moon lander I had to go and have a cold shower

Put a smile on my face Rat! And I like the wrappings you have.

I’m boring and just keep the clear ones that come with the batteries. The only “slow touch down” I have is with my (now my wife’s) ZebraLight SC62w.