Source of SBT-90.2 in Chromacity Bins H3 or J3

I’m looking for a SBT-90.2 that is near 5700k and the BB Locus. That means Bins H3 or J3.
I can only find above the BB, or closer to 6500k.

Anyone know of a source?


Still looking…
Any leads?
How about a recommendation for an SBT90.2 that looks good? Not too green? Close to BBL?
Has anyone compared the SBT90.2 for sale at Nealsgadgets, Convoy store, or


They all look green at low power because the cct lower at low power. I’m not sure what CCT my 90.2 even is (thanks aliexpress) but is like 4000k and very green at low power. I don’t think green is a color you will see at 5700k+

At high cct (5700k+, probably higher) +duv is actually more pleasing, looking at some charts I seen…

Low duv at 6500+ is purple, which imo is objectively worse than blue +duv