Amazon basics charger fire when not plugged in

and no batteries in it. In the end off this long article there is claim charger started burning not plugged in and no batteries in it. How?

I’m not quite sure how a charger could catch fire when not plugged in and no batteries in it. That doesn’t sound plausible to me.

Capacitors with charge remaining getting short circuited.
When i was a kid i got shocked a few times when taking things apart that were unplugged. And i learned very quickly to never touch the inside of a film camera that has a flash even after the battery is removed.

that link goes to an office chair that caught fire when the USB phone cord shorted out… it was plugged in to power, but not to a phone

sounds bad… I guess we need to add another safety warning… dont buy cheap USB cords… and or, dont leave them plugged in. Im guilty, my phone charger is plugged into my computer all the time… even when no phone is being charged…

thanks for the warning