Unprotected 16650 2500 mah

Anyone know where I can get a few unprotected 16650 batteries in US?

If you have some, want to trade? I have a barely used Malkoff M61NLLLL.

you can remove the protection circuit

They out of stock for now. I did contact them.

I just checked all my sources. It’s out of stock every where.

If you can’t find any 2500mAh 16650 your only option left may be chinese cells like the Vapcell M20 2000mAh / 8A CDR.

Speaking of Malkoff they have a few (9 in stock) protected KeepPower 16650 2500ma batteries but they aren’t cheap. Outside the US, Nkon (Europe) and HKEquipment (Hong Kong) have them.

Illumi has the Keeppower protected 16650 2500 mah back in stock if anyone looking to get some.

Not in the US, but chek this store at AliExpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32404173077.html

I know it seems to be sold out, but contact the seller and see what they can arrange to you! Never had a problem buying from them :+1: