Thrunite TH01 vs TH02

What’s the difference between the Thrunite TH01 and TH02? The website doesn’t make an actual distinction between them, and they even have the same price down to the cent.

The endcaps are clearly different, but I can’t tell if the optics are, or if it’s just because the photos are taken at a different angle.

Same emitter, same runtime, same lumen output, same output steps…


Quote from Zerorair where someone asked the exact same question after a TH02 review:

> You’re right, this is very much like the TH01!
> I think the runtimes are a little better, and also
> the manual has been adjusted a little for the
> runtimes….

According to even all those specs are identical:

TH01 / TH02:
High 450 Lm / 70 min
Medium 85 Lm / 6,5 hrs
Low 9 Lm / 44 hrs
Firefly 0,6 Lm / 20 days

The measured tables show minor differences like a lower low mode in the TH01 (6 instead of 10 Lumen in the TH02)

Comparing the two zerorair reviews further …

… there seem to be some other differences, e.g. Updated Emitter XHP50.2 in the TH02 (versus XHP50 in the TH01) but it all seems VERY similar.