32700 li-ion

I’ve got a couple of triple 32700 lights. Does anyone know if these are real? Page Not Found - Aliexpress.com Or of any other 32650/32700 Lithium-ion 4.2v cells other than Trustfire?

With a short/fat cell like that, I could really make a Fallout themed flashlight that looks like it runs on Fusion Cells!

I’ve got two Trustfire TR-J20’s that take three of these cells. One has been up graded to 12 XP-L2’s. Review: TrustFire TR-J20 - 12 x XM-L (3 x 32650) Chunky Monkey! TrustFire TR - J20 $64.99 Just want to use some newer cells to get the most out of the light. Great for a dog walking light in zombie infested areas.

Hm. Based on a recently deleted review here using another persons flashlight photos. Im thinking the way I shared those photos is un cool too?

I'm not an expert, but I think it's okay.

If the images were in a review, then you should definitely get permission first.

If someone complains about you using their images, you should take them down, but I don't think that'll happen in this case.

If you post an image from a manufacturer/retailer without permission, I think they're less likely to ask you to take it down.

If you post an image from a hobbyist without permission, I think they're more likely to ask you to take it down.