[2022-04-23] Please login again

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to diagnose a small issue, and it required me to dump the currently active sessions. In other words, BLF users please login again.

Thanks a lot, and sorry for the inconvenience!

Ah, diagnosing internet/technology issues.

One of the many perks of owning a website.

Or just owning a computer with an online connection.

True, but I think if you own a website, the diagnosing might be next level stuff.

I’m sure you are correct. :+1:

Not a problem sb56637!


But i forgot my login and must now make a new account, GeBort!

Should be fine.

Non-commercial BLF members can have more than one account as long they don't cause trouble like entering a giveaway with more than one account.

I am raccoon city's other personality.

I'm the good one.

(He's the evil one.)

With only 4 posts i am honoured that you used one to reply to Bort :partying_face:

Aha, the plot thickens. More than one RC.

Huh… I was thinking it was my browser/vpn/innernet-connection/moonspots/etc. that was doing that.