Do you get enough sleep?

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No one is interested why? I know why I cant sleep just do not know what I can do to solve the issue.

I am in a decade long sleep disorder, or that is what i feel, my doctor are not impressed, even if in a week i sleep less than he do in a weekend.
I feel like i am going insane.

As i type i have been awake for 31 hours strait, and of course dead tired, but i also was 31 hours ago.

I get 7hrs sleep, maybe 8 at the weekend. I never had insomnia, I can be soundly asleep in like 5 mins.

Sleep is very important for your overall health, it is when your body does most of it’s healing.
Whoever is having trouble sleeping I hope they can fix it.

When I worked (Framed Houses)I slept like a baby, Ever since I retired and do a lot less my sleep has gotten to be less and less —- The dreams wear me out to —- You young people enjoy that sleep while you can— Wear a Fitbit and you’ll really see how well you sleep — All DRs want to do is prescribe pills that make you feel like crap the next day — I’ll take one when my sleep is terrible and I have not much to do early the next day

Sleeping pills do not induce real sleep, they sedate you. They may give the appearance of achieving sleep but you don’t get the same benefits. In the same way that drinking a lot of booze can make you “sleepy” but you do not wake up feeling refreshed and rested.

I understand they are essential in some cases but they should definitely not be used long-term as a substitute for real sleep.

Pain keeps me awake, when I finally do fall asleep I have to get up every 2 hours to pee. Multiple health issues and have had RLS all my life.
This site often gives me something to read which is great because most news sites don’t update much overnight. That and I have good JBL earbuds for music.
I don’t what else to say to help though sorry.

today I slept for over 13H, I was even surprised, as it's probably one of the longest I ever had.

But usually I have real trouble sleeping (usually less the 30 H a week)

I remember times when I was like 12 H a week.

Today work is the problem, as I just can't fall asleep, and when I do, I have to wake up and go to work, resulting in something like 5-8 hours of sleep in a 5 day of work.

Ps. Throw your smartphone, and ipads away on the other side of the room (and don't look at them directly before going to sleep), do have good setting in your PC monitor, the ones with blue light filter help too (so full brightness, and use the contrast to change the brightness, to have no PWM), don't buy the AC filament LED bulb for bedroom (they have 100Hz PWM and high modulation 85-95%). Buy normal LED 2700K one, like philips eye comfort series, they usually don't have harmful PWM (I tested the normal ones).
The room temperature, humidity, noise is worth consideration.
Bed, the coverlet and pillow, pajamas, all make a difference.

voted yes.

here is what works for me:

1. “white noise”. a floor fan on low speed.
2. consistent sleep/wake schedule. even on weekends/holidays/vacation.
3. waffle foam bed “topper”. just a cheap one. it is my 4th one. love it.

I know this is accepted wisdom, but:

So for some, it’s ok. I read right up to the time I sleep, phone, nook, listen to music using phone. Everything has the brightness down but it works for me. I agree on all the rest, especially temperature. But everybody is different so YMMV.

no, i am 67 with 2 twin 10 year old boys

no one gets enough sleep!

or has any personal time!

plus am working full time and riding bike 22+hrs a wk

If I’m not physically working hard I get a bit of insomnia. Busy with work this year so getting to sleep has been easy. Usually 6-7hrs and I’m well rested.

Sleep is a relative thing. There is deep sleep and not so deep where you wake up every 30 minutes. You need approximately 6hrs of deep sleep per night. You can get away with less but it will catch up with you.

The people that tell you they only need an hour of sleep per night are either lying to you or they are very bad at math.

8 hours significantly reduces my astigmatism, though temporarily.

“ the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleave of care,
The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course,
Chief nourisher in life’s feast” - the Bard

My Ipad on lower brightness is doing some strange thing, that I can't measure with my opple.
When I stop looking at the ipad screen, and just look at dark room, it's all starting to flicker (so there's something wrong somewhere, as that indicates I was looking on something that is flickering).
Other mobile devices, usually don't have blue light filter, or just encourage you to use them, when you can't sleep.

I have my phone to turn completely silent (no vibration) by schedule at night, so that the spam mail or whoever, can't wake me up.

But one of the bad habit I have is that I have my ipad next to my bed, so I just browse the internet, instead of trying to sleep... The other is that I have rather worm in my bedroom, as I worry not to get cold and just be sick next day.

The other thing that throws me off, is my work that have 2 shifts, so I work like 6.30-7.30 to 14.30-15.30, or 14-22 (I have to wake up 1.5h before my shift to get to work). And the second shift is like once, or twice a month, it's completely ruin my internal clock (the second shift is for whole week, so 3 week normal, one week second shift, or 2 weeks normal, and 2 weeks second shift)

Wear a Fitbit/Apple watch and you’ll see what Deep Sleep is — If you get that much deep sleep, you’re one of a few

Delayed sleep phase syndrome is remarkably common and rarely diagnosed.
As is sleep apnea.

Also issues like caffeine over consumption, sleeping pill dependence, restless legs syndrome and hormonal imbalances can cause sleep issues.
Not to mention worry and anxiety.

Normally, I’m asleep as soon as my head hits my pillow, but…

I’ve got 2 cats. 5min after I turn off the lights, they’re rip-roarin’ throughout the house chasing each other.

Then 4-5hrs later, it’s apparently feeding time or something, so one jumps on my side and parks himself facing away, stretching out his leg so he’s practically sticking his foot in my mouth, and whacking me in the head with his tail. Or the other parks himself on my flipflops and stares at me, and if no reaction from me, pokes me in the nose with his face.

So I usually spend a half-hour scritching one or both ’til I fall asleep again and they go find other deviltry to do.

“Ps. Throw your smartphone, and ipads away on the other side of the room (and don’t look at them directly before going to sleep)”

That is no problem here, i handle / look / use my phone for minutes every day, and it is of course set to OFF when i sleep, i actually feel like i die a little every time i touch my phone, so try not to do that too often.
I also have nighttime ” filter” on my 32” monitor, which aside for the phone are the only screen here as i do not own a TV

My personal sleep record are 17 hours, i set that one when i was young, i was not in any way intoxicated when i went to bed, just worked hard all day. ( ok i might have smoked a little weed during the day as i was sadly a pothead back then )
When i was among the working people i slept 5-6 hours a day, and that was just fine, but i would sleep longer in the weekends or holidays.

If i get 5- 6 hours of sleep now, thats a really good day, its usually 10 hours or so tossing in bed waiting for my damn brain to shut the hell up, and then sleep for 2 - 3 - 4 hours before something wake me up as it is now past noon.
Some times though i do collapse and sleep 8 hours, but that do not happen once a week, maybe like every 2 - 3 weeks.
Pretty much once every week i give up on sleep after a few hours of tossing in bed and so are awake for +36 hours, but then i can fall asleep and my damn brain keep quiet.
This “all-nighter” have a tendency to move the time where i sleep, but that will slowly change back to where i sleep a few hours around noon.

I get between 3-5 hrs a night sleep, and have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. In my case, I know exactly why I have trouble sleeping, PTSD.