Where in Canada are Canadians who frequent here buying batteries?

Just wondering where in Canada are Canadians who frequent this site are buying their quality 18650,26650 and 21700 batteries?.
Shipping from the U.S. is more than the actual battery.Thanks,HB

I generally recommend 18650batterystore.com to other Canadians. My previous go-to was Illumn, but they have enough stock inconsistency that it can be difficult to put together a single order, which is important when you’re paying that much for shipping.

If you want to buy in Canada, 18650canada.ca is about your only choice other than vape shops, but their pricing sucks compared to ordering from the States.

Shipping from 18650.Canada is $15.00 for one $12.00 battery! Not much to pick from for sure in Canada.HB

I would go look at local vapeshop websites often times they have sales on batteries which you can pickup for a decent price.

FlashlightWorld.ca , Amazon.ca , airsoft stores, and sometimes I try either allieExpress or Banggood but I haven’t recently.

I would avoid amazon been many counts of fake cells being shipped, as for FlashlightWorld.ca I would just go to a vapeshop they sell for FAR cheaper at least in my area of Canada “FlashlightWorld.ca” sells a VTC6 for close to $10 more than the vapeshop down the street.

Good to know, I’ve never been in a vape shop :slight_smile:
I quit smoking before vaping became popular, i appreciate that they use the same batteries but figured they weren’t as cheap as online.
Airsoft stores sell them at the same price as flashlight world, so I typically wait for sales

Agreed, I dont smoke either I just looked online for batteries locally and vapeshops pop up and they list their prices and if we also consider they dont charge shipping you get the cells for a steal compared to online retailers in Canada anyway only cause prices online are fairly steep then tack on shipping costs.

My friends, let me tell about my secret sources.

Battery Hookup
Facebook Marketplace
The battery recyclers near me :slight_smile:

Yeah if you buy one battery, if you buy more batteries the cost per battery goes way down.

Though stick to name brand batteries.

I've got some bad news for you.

I think Fasttech went out of business.

Aye Carumba :cry: