Cheap way to burn 90-100W at 20V(usbC charger testing)

I want to test multiple big USB-C chargers. My plan is to trigger 20V voltage with ZY12PDN trigger boards. Then I need some load for these 20V… What shoud I use?

I was thinking of:

  1. 10W 4ohm cement resistor submerged in watter
  2. 100W 4ohm power resistor mounted on some big heatsink

does Something else come to your mind?

Electric stove eyes from the thrift store, put them in series or parallel to make the load you need

Hm, I guess that I will look like weirdo in thrift store with multimeter measuring impendance of electric stove, but it should work. Thanks :smiley:

the stove elements may not be constant resistance

as they heat , the resistance may change

There are various, dangerous looking, fan+heatsink type ‘constant current battery testers’ on Aliexpress that might be of interest…?

Are you just looking for cheaper options than the resistors, or something ‘smarter’/’functional’? I’d have thought the 100W resistor option you mentioned in your first post would be the cheapest/best?

Running a 100W rated resistor at the full 100W ?? you have left No Margin and it won’t last long, and the resistance value will increase much more than the little bit of heat from 100W in the stove eyes.

The stove eyes are about 5 to 8 ohms, get a handful really cheap at thrift store (nobody wants them) then parallel to get the value you want if you are trying to be exacto. For load testing there is not any real need to have exact resistor values, you just want to load that thang down and see how long it survives. You can measure the current and voltage exactly. The device under test will heat up and have dynamic output too.

it might be possible if the resistors are in a couple gallons of water

I think that there fan+heatsink type testers are just overkill

Resistors definitely arent expensive, I just wasnt sure if I should use them submerged in watter.

I also liked stove eyes, but as I figured out, you cant buy theme in europe(everybody there use gas stoves insted…)

So, I will use resistors.

gas stoves are about to be not allowed any more, here usa

Don’t care about inrush current? Because anything metal will start out at huge currents that only level out as the metal heats up.

A pair of 55W 12V halogen bulbs in series would level out at about 100W at 20V vs 24V as rated. No need for water, heatsinks, fans, nuttin’.

100W incandescent light bulb.

I really think you're best off with a CC load tester from Aliexpress. Do be aware that many are advertised with "Chinese amps" rather than "real" amps and will blow up or start a fire if you run them at their rated load. Unless you move to Siberia in winter and have a 5A Delta server fan blowing over it.