Happy 13th Birthday, BudgetLightForum!

The first BLF thread was created on January 9th/10th, 2010, depending on your time zone.

So BLF will be 13 years in a couple of days.

Happy 13th Birthday, BudgetLightForum!

Yes, BLF will be a teenager very soon.

Hopefully BLF will be a mature teenager and not a rowdy one.

So, congrats to sb (and all BLF members!)

Cool, Happy Birthday


Is a :beer: appropriate

Time goes by fast, happy birthday BLF

Congratulations BLF!


Congrats. That’s quite a dedication. :+1:

Happy Birthday BLF :wink:
Thanks to sb and I’m glad to be part of this luminous family :partying_face: :star:

Wow I had no idea this forum was only 13 years old.


Contrats BLF

Happy birthday BLF!!!

Well done BLF :partying_face:
Thanks SB :beer:

I was on CPF back then and on the fence about Incan and LED. I really wish I had heard about this place sooner as it has some interesting content. How many people here have been flashaholics since its beginning?

Happy Birthday BLF!


and I forgot to bring anything…… :zipper_mouth_face:

Happy B-Day BLF

Happy Birthday BLF and many more

Word :beer:

Good job, BLF

Happy anniversary!