Favorite reviewers?

I was wondering who people like to read or watch that do torch reviews?

I like Charles Bridgtec and his YouTube videos a lot. His formula for review: unboxing, description of features, UI walk through, and then light evaluation feels structured and fairly honest. I have picked up budget lights I otherwise would have passed on, based on his honest appraisal of the good and bad of the lights.

I’m currently looking for people who review batteries and chargers.

What do you guys like?

Mr Baz is a good one!

I just mentioned the one for the batteries and chargers. Other member are already pointing out some other channels. Still, here are some contributions (besides the ones being mentioned):

- Living Survival - Living Survival - YouTube

- Zozzlights (aka Zozz) - Zozzlights RC - YouTube

- WeAllJuggleKnives - WeAllJuggleKnives - YouTube

- ThatCrazyFlashaholic 67 (aka Brainsick67) - ThatCrazyRCGuy67 - YouTube

- Room X - roomX - doorman's channel - YouTube

- Bushcraft412 - Bushcraft412 - YouTube

- jojoselected (German) - jojoselected - YouTube

- Jon M (aka liquidretro) - LiquidRetro - YouTube

And this is a similar thread from sometime ago: your fav flashlight youtube reviewer?

- advanced knife bro

  • cpfselfbuilt

BLF’s HKJ and Mooch from E-Cigarette forum… Other few from BLF members… Mr Baz also a good reviewer… But I also wondering if there are other reviewer that I didn’t came across…

Currently FLASHAHOLICS on YT - really been digging the dramatic music! :smiley:

Charles Bridgtec and scannerguy1968. Good videos on youtube.

Martin M4D M4X
Advanced Knife Bro
ThatCrazyFlashaholic 67
Light It Up

Forgot to mention:

David Sunshine

I never connected the dots and found out who he is on blf/cpf. Maybe he will say something here - either way I always liked his reviews :slight_smile:

Living Survival doesn’t know a thing about flashlights so take his videos with a grain of salt.

He gives user perspective :wink:


This question has been asked before on this forum, so I keep myself limited to this link.

I like AdventureSportFlashlights (member: vestureofblood) and Advanced Knife Bro (member: mhanlen).
Why? Never a dull moment. And they know what they are talking about.

And these 2 guys are probably not paid like CharlesBridgeTec.

God does it seem obvious, and his reviews are so boring, which lack substance.

“Lock” from cpfitaliaforum

No one is going to mention maukka or zeroair? By far my two favorites - maukka for the extremely thorough analyses, and zeroair because he basically reviews every single light well. I could use his website as a catalogue.

Personally I don’t care for bridgetec at all.


Not so fond of bridgetec, myself.

Bridgetec is terrible…and an AHOLE…fake reviews…never watch his vids, he never says anything wrong with the lights.

Most of yoy guys know more then ME…but i give honest prospectives on what LIGHTS I BUY…most people get for free…i buy all mine. But theres allot of good people on there also.

I agree but its not the individual I pay attention to. Its the detail and beam shots im looking for. It is a little drab but I can maneuver through his videos for the content im seeking.

I agree…he will ban you if you dissagree with him…he banned allot of us for NO REASON…from his FB group…niw i started my own.