$100 Budget MONSTER-Lights w/ 15000+ lumens: Wurkkos TS32-Nichia 519a. Comparison with Chinese-LED Heavyweights: Haikelite, Jin Heng JKK, Nightwatches. (Summary & measurements on P. 1) LATEST: RIDICULOUS 20,000+ lumen pocketable NW NS14R v2.

That is news to me - Make sure to post this on the Fireflies reddit!
Incredible, they have been releasing one amazing light after the other.

Regarding FFL351A: There is no significant tint lottery, thankfully. BUT there are three different batches.

  • First “3700K” was quite rosy,
  • Second “3750K” was neutral
  • Third “4000K” was very rosy

The OP in the linked post may have not carefully read the description before ordering, or the description may not have been clear at the time.
FFL currently offers the second and third batch as separate options.

2 Thanks