Wow, that went by fast. Fun, educational, and surprisingly expensive for a forum with 'Budget' in it's name and 'Frugal' in it's motto. In years past I would, in my ignorance, spend $3-5 on a flashlight. Thanks.
Time for a giveaway! The usual, open to members registered Feb. 1st., 2014 or earlier; your post is your entry, random selection, your post entry is your acknowledgement that at least 80% of my posts were pure gold, etc. (Lie like you just got a hand-knitted sweater with a big kitten on front from your grandma for your birthday.)
Drawing in about a week if I can find this thread again. Thanks for playing.
Prize is a DST because
1. It's an important light in BLF history, IMHO.
2. It can impress the great unwashed masses even in stock form.
3. It's mod friendly with lots of good threads here for guidance.
4. With the clearance sales, I bought a bunch and fear being buried in a flashalanche. Got to move some out.
5. I don't own a snowblower, so can't simply Bunk them.
Edit: Forgot to list the most important reason.
6. HD isn't a mail order shop, so not everyone can get one.
Note: Batteries not included because alkaleaks aren't worth the postage. I'll include a homemade AA adapter though, runs great on Duraloops until you mod the power higher.
Not quite a week, but no entries in over 2 days so we might as well wrap it up.