14mm & 15mm Drivers for 1*AA or 1*14500 Flashlights

I have some smaller EDC lights that the drivers have gone south in. I would like a selection of some 14mm or 15mm ones to choose from in order to repair, modify or upgrade some of my lights. The only ones that I know of are the following:



If you guys know of any others that are available please post here so we all can benefit from your expertise.

I thought that there would be more input into this thread. Anyway, after looking around a little more I came up with one more driver to add to the list.


Not a bad price only $1.48. Hope you guys have some experience or ideas to share.

That last one you have linked, I don't think it's a boost driver, looks more like a step down type, so wouldn't work with 1AA.

This one looks nice http://www.focalprice.com/LFD35G/3pcs_15V42V_AA_and_14500_Circuit_Boards_for_37V_LED_Emitters_Green.html

Shame they don't give any more details, like current to emitter etc

Yes, it is sad that vendors don't give many details about the circuit boards that they sell. I think it's sad too that the one circuit board that I like costs $4.25 plus more $$ for shipping. I'm inclined to think that I might as well put the money towards a new light than to fix a questionable old one.

BTW Thanks for the infomation that the last driver I listed will not work with 1aa.

Another Possible Driver that may suit your needs.


Edit: Found another


Need to get E1320 in here. He would know. He put a new driver in my F15 and programmed that bad boy so that it is rock steady and bright as heck.



Has anyone tried this one, mentioned more than a year ago above?

It's still for sale -- the others are not.


(But: "no reviews" and two pictures indicating someone got the wrong product delivered, so, who knows).

Asking because the little 1xAA Sipik clones are continuing to be so popular, but it's a lottery what you get.

Have you seen the drivers from CQG?

I hadn't seen those, but the 14mm both have strobe; the others are all 16mm and larger diameter.

The Sandwich Shop Madmax Lite is a boost driver intended to be used with two AA cells. I know that it'll work down to about 1V. It supplies 350mA at 3V and around half that on a single cell. It's 14mm, too.

The Madmax Plus is the 700mA version of the above driver. It pushes about 350mA at 1.5V.

Neither Sandwich Shop driver is cheap, though, at around $8 each.

Illumination Supply sells two single cell drivers, though the 500mA one is 12mm and the 700mA driver is 17mm. Both are less than $5 each.

I have had the DX driver linked to in the OP on order for months. That one is a no go. I just ordered the FP one. I would really like one for 2AA but it's for a junk light so I will just try this one with a 14500 and spacer. It's cheap enough and I'm sure I will actually receive it from FP.

> Sandwich Shoppe

I have several of those as dropins with LEDs, bought ten years ago and still in use in my M@g AA lights.

Hmmmm ....

I was searching for a 15mm driver for a 14500 light … thanks for the dx link!


This driver is using 2x 7135 chips for 700mAh to the led. It seems that you can add a third 7135 chip for a total of 1050mAh.
It is single mode only :slight_smile:

Is there another good 15mm driver for a single cell light?

either build-it-yourself or ask around for someone who’ll build one for you

They have them at Mountain Electronics, but they are $6,something.

I also found some on blf 15mm SK68 Nanjg 5*7135 V1.0 [final]
It uses the components of a 105C

Yes, that is a BLF SK68 driver. It was designed by BLF members. It is open source hardware. I have built two of them by ordering the boards from OSHPark and stripping Nanjg 105c drivers for the parts. Mountain Electronics has them for sale assembled for $6.something. Naturally, they are more expensive than similar drivers assembled in large numbers in China. Some BLF people, maybe Warhalk or Serial Killer, might have them for sale also. Or someone who is good as building surface mount boards might do you a couple as a favor. I think there is also an FET version of the board, and probably other variations such as off time memory and Zener mod.

Ok I ordered 3 of the BLF SK68 drivers. Free shipping to germany nice :slight_smile:

One question, if I use the parts of a Qlite how do I enable the 4th star?