Do you know where can i find cheap 15mm 1mode or 3mode circuit boards?
For what kind of cells?
For LiIon cells these would be suitable:
For cr123 3.6 volt lion battery. Can i mode it to 1 or 3 mode?
@gogosmama: So.. rechargeables? Are you sure you cant fit something like a 16mm driver with some work? There are a lot more possibilities in that size.
@Horst: cheaper, but out of stock. :P
@NightCrawl…which one do you suggest me with 3modes in 16mm?
Can be had with more current also.. or reduce current by removing AMC chips. Can be filed down to 16mm.
I want to make it 15mm, so i don’t think it could be done. I think i will have to wait Focalprice to reload their store with those 15mm boards.
The dx 15mm board is probably out of stock because they shipped a run of those boards with missing components (i received one of those, so did at least a few others, even up until last week, see the dx discussion thread on that item), @Horst: hope you are luckier than me..
I would be interested in other 15mm boards with good specs and more than one mode, but I have not found them yet.
I filed down quite a few 17mm boards to 15mm lately, and although it worked well in the end in all cases, the filing did destroy several board connections to the outer ring (the battery minus) that I had to repair by soldering pieces of wire, so prepare for some perseverance .
The dx 15mm board is probably out of stock because they shipped a run of those boards with missing components (i received one of those, so did at least a few others, even up until last week, see the dx discussion thread on that item), @Horst: hope you are luckier than me..
I would be interested in other 15mm boards with good specs and more than one mode, but I have not found them yet.
I filed down quite a few 17mm boards to 15mm lately, and although it worked well in the end in all cases, the filing did destroy several board connections to the outer ring (the battery minus) that I had to repair by soldering pieces of wire, so prepare for some perseverance .
Seems to be in stock again. I just ordered 3 pieces, too. Hope they will arrive soon.