18650-flashlights Review Guide (2016-2019)

Hats off, :+1:

Thanks, added.

Also added 11 March reviews.

Emisar D18
Blue Badger Lights - Eagle 1500
Airpro DC7
Imalent RT35
Sofirn SP31 V2.0
Sofirn SP36
Sofirn Q8
Klarus 360X1
Brinyte PT18
Thorfire VG10S

Excellent list and thanks for adding to it :+1:

I donā€™t see the link to the Emisar D18 review on the index yetā€¦

Updated, thanks.

Added 9 reviews (Apr-May)

Sofirn C8A
Sofirn C8T
Klarus ST15R
Convoy H1
Haikelite MT09R v.2.0
Emisar D18
Lumintop/TLF/BLF FW3A
Nitecore P18

Added 14 reviews (May-June)

Sofirn SP40
Emisar D18
Emisar D4V2
YLP Gryphon G18
YLP Gryphon G180
Fenix BC35R
Lumintop/TLF/BLF FW3A
Nitecore P18
Acebeam X65 Mini
Orcatorch T20
Sofirn SP36
Niwalker MM6S
Wuben E10

Added 45 reviews (June-October)

Acebeam K75
Armytek Dobermann Pro
Astrolux EC01 VS March C8
Astrolux MF01S
Astrolux MF01 mini
Astrolux MF02S
Astrolux FT04
Brinyte PT18
Fitorch MR20
Haikelite MT40
Klarus E1
Lumintop B01
Lumintop FW3A
Lumintop EDC18
Nitecore BR35
Nitecore P18
Nitecore P12 &MH12GT
Nitecore P12 vs P12GT vs P12GTS
Nitenumen TK25
Olight Javelot Pro
Protac HL 5-X
Thrunite TC15
Sofirn SP32A V2.0
Sofirn SP31 v2.0
Sofirn C8F
Wuben P45R
Wuben TL35Pro
Wuben TO50R
Wuben E10
Wurkkos WK20S
XTAR WK18 Pacer
YLP Sherp S15
YLP Unicorn
YLP Gryphon G180

Good job!

Added 41 reviews (October-January)

Armytek Wizard Pro
Acebeam K75
Astrolux C8 Brass
BRINYTE PT28 Oathkeeper
Imalent DM21C
Lightstar InfiniStar 700
Lumintop FW1A vs FW3A vs GT micro vs ZOOM1
Lumintop FW3A vs FW1A vs FV21
Lumintop FW1A
Lumintop EDC18
Manker MK36
Manker MC12
Mateminco MT18S
Magicshine MOD20
Nitecore UT32
New Nitecore P12
Olight S2R Baton II
OLIGHT Baton Pro
Sofirn SP40
Speras T1
Thrunite TH 01 *NEW*
ThruNite TC15
Wuben LT35 Pro
Weltool T10-HG
Wurkkos FC11
WowTac A6
Wowtac A2S
YLP Sherp S15
YLP Unicorn and Panda 3R

Glad itā€™s a sticky.
Canā€™t imagine how much work went into this.
Thank you for all your effort.

A few more;
Sofirn SP36S

Phixton WT-04

And a correction.
The Protac HL-5X
Is actually a: Streamlight Protac HL-5X

What a long list, now because of curiosity it will take me for hours to find out the difference between them to choose the specific one that will fit my needs the most!

Maybe this can help you too, in case you want to see it from the most recent ones and further on:

Welcome to BLF :+1:

Wow! How do I compile 18350 reviews?

Hmā€¦I want again 18650 flashlightā€¦Still so smallā€¦What would people recommend here?Smallā€¦brightā€¦usbā€¦Nitecore edc33?