I tried to read the other threads on the topic and the conclusion was these and the XTAR ones are good quality 18650. Any other recommendations or is this good for the price?
Ok any specific recommendations? Im not sure which are based off a panasonic cell. I guess AW might be but I’m trying not to spend 10+ dollars for each battery.
The trustfires have a large variation in capacity and thus I would not recommend using them in multicell applications. I also would not trust the protection as my "protected" ones were discharged to 1.5 volts and the protection never tripped.
Edit: Here an example is. I got 2 trustfire flames 3000 mah wrapped together. One measured around 2300 mah the other was around 1900. This could easily lead to reverse charging.
Ok thanks man. 1 thing I noticed is you mentioned chinese sites have poor batteries but this site you linked to me is a chinese site. Also there panasonic cells are quite a bit cheaper than other panasonic cells on other sites (same model). You sure its legitimate?
Those appear to be quality cells (I don’t have any). But the green ones in the first link, although at an attractive price, appear to be the unprotected version.
Moreover they are charging me $10 shipping for 4 batteries and when I asked how much for hong kong mail (since I had originally selected HDL) they said its the same price??
My search for good 18650 for good price continues. Maybe these blacks? I would appreciate any advice.
Ok I decided to just get the panasonics. Now the one on bestvaping seems to have a strip on the outside that other ones do not and so I’m thinking it may really be protected. Do you guys think its possible or are their cells the same as everyone elses panasonics?
The Trustfire 3000mAh will handle the current without tripping the pcb, but there are better 5A discharge batteries on the market such as Senybor.
Also other comments are right, they are never 3000mAh. The ones I have tested have always been around 2600mAh (the same as the last Trustfire 2400mAh I tested).