Hello BLFs, I’m working on my wooden torch build and I’ve been testing with a booster LED driver circuit. It draws 1000-1100mA from a single (cheap) Powertech 900mAH AAA Battery and the voltage reads around 1 volt on load. That’s a bit over 1C discharge for the battery. Do you guys think this is too much for the AAA Battery? I was thinking of using an Sanyo Eneloop XX 2500mAH battery, which draws almost 2A from the single battery. The reason why I’m using single AA/AAA batteries is because I’m aiming for a small form factor for the flashlight build and also because it’s much easier to find/recharge AA/AAA batteries rather than 10440/14500 li-ion. Though I am probably considering to use 14500/18650 for another flashlight build which uses a Nanjg AK-47A driver. But for this build there isn’t really any option for li-ion.
What do you guys think? 1A too much for an AAA battery?
1A is no problem for a NiMH AAA battery. Most NiMH batteries can do quite a bit more than a 1C discharge (Tenergy rates their batteries at up to 5C). So I wouldn’t worry about it.