BLF is an extremely important platform for flashlight manufacturers and vendors to communicate with their current and potential customers, and for customers to discover vendors and deals for the flashlight products they’re interested in. I’m proud of the fact that BLF has become what it is today thanks to our fairly relaxed and open attitude toward commercial vendors. But there are still rules and limits, which a few commercial sellers have been violating recently.
So, commercial sellers: Please DO NOT create threads in any category except for Commercial Sellers’ Spot and Giveaways/Contests. Also, please DO NOT make unsolicited posts or advertisements in other users’ threads. I have recently moved and deleted many posts of this nature and banned several commercial accounts that paid no attention to the rules.
And to all of our regular users: Thank you very much for your vigilance and your help in controlling spam. BLF wouldn’t be possible without your help in this regard. Please also take a quick look at the BLF Rules for Commercial Sellers and continue marking spam when you run across it. This includes posts by legitimate vendors that are placed outside of the Commercial Sellers’ Spot and/or Giveaways/Contests categories and/or unsolicited posts in other users’ threads. Also, please do not post in wrongly placed threads by commercial sellers, as doing so only rewards bad behavior and gives them more coverage.
Well, I think derision from the members here is enough for that. We don’t need an actual rule, I think. They will get the hint eventually, when BLF members grow cold toward them and have nothing nice to say about them and never buy their stuff. That’s how market forces work to keep idiots from being successful. The only fear I have is that there may actually be enough idiots buying to sustain them anyway… :person_facepalming:
Hi everyone, I just wanted to reiterate my gratefulness to everyone who has been helping to keep spam under control recently. It's been pretty rough during this past month, but thanks to your vigilance, spam and spammers' accounts have quickly and consistently been eliminated. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not oblivious to the problem, and I am actively working on finding an effective solution. Meanwhile, thanks very much for your help and patience!
An idea. Ability to place a link in post and signature only after 10 or so post counts. It’s a minor hurdle, but maybe sufficient enough for some spammers to take their business elsewhere.