I am on a search for a flashlight that will work well for both EDC and walking in the woods at night. I’m fairly new to the world of serious flashlights. So far I have a bunch of Convoys which I mostly like (s2, m1, m2, m21b), a Wuben C2, and an FW3A which I really dislike.
What is important to me is maximal throw, and comfortable pocket carry with a clip. I’ve found the M1 with its 37mm head to be just a bit uncomfortable, while the 32mm M2 is comfy enough I dont mind pocketing it all day. At first I was only looking at 18650 lights but after considering how much stronger my M21B is vs my M1 with the same emitter, I’m thinking a 21700 is the way to go, particularly since any head that will throw as far as I want will be as thick as a 21700 body anyway. I would like it to cost $30 but am open to spending much more if there is a big increase in performamce. I dont care about overheating or runtime since when checking out an area on high/turbo I typically only have the light on for a few seconds. A low moonlight mode is also fairly important.
So far the Convoy S21B is looking like the best option, but I am a noob so maybe there are some I am missing? The review at 1lumen claims almost 500m of throw which sounds amazing for such a thin light, and I like the idea of maintaining UI with my other convoy lights.
On a related note, anyone have suggestions for pocket clips that will fit convoys? I bought a bunch of the ones from the convoy store that wrap around the body and they suck. Convoy also sells a model that bolts to the holes around the tailcap which looks like it would fit all their models, has anyone used those or have an alternative recommendation?
I’ve got an S1, 4xS2+, an M1, M2 and C8 from Convoy.
The M1 and M2 have bigger heads and the C8 is even bigger.
While I use 21700s in an Xtar PB2S powerbank, I have no lights that take that format.
Honestly, for $30, you don’t have a lot of meaningful choices, so stick with what you have and what works for you.
The bigger the reflector, the longer the throw, the longer the throw, the bulkier the light will be, the bigger the cell, the larger it and the light will be.
It’s one of those ‘pick your poison’ type of decisions, to me at least?
I think you’ll like an S21B with the right throwy emitter (Osram or SFT40). Even though the purists here wouldn’t consider anything meeting your requirements (tail clicky, tube light) a serious thrower, I have an S21B and an S21A with an Osram emitter, and the throw is very usable. I’m sure the SFT40 would be fine, too. Plenty comfortable in a cargo pocket for me.
I’ve used the screw-on clips from Convoy, and they are sturdy and nice. But I don’t like pocket clips, so I’ve removed most of my EDC clips.
And, finally, since most people are ignoring your requirements and recommending larger, or e-switch lights, I’ll add one, too. Sofirn’s IF22A is a really fun, mostly pocketable thrower at a good price.
Manta Ray C8.2 has bigger battery and really good cooling fins. Available with many different leds. Also accepts 22mm driver. It also has bigger brother C12, but I don’t know much about it.
Available here and many other places
Edit:fixed link
From what you’re asking probably the Convoy S21A or S21B with the SST-40 or SFT-40 LED. As far as clips https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256804171903934.html
You’ll not quite get the throw but you’ll be able to pocket the light all day.
The S16 looks interesting, though still a bit on the thicc side for what I am looking for.
Thanks for the link texas shooter. Unfortunately those look very similar to the other Convoy clips I bought which Ive found to be junk.
All the other suggestioms are pretty far outside what I am looking for. I had a Sofirn with side switch and gave it away because I disliked it so much. A C8 is even bigger than the Convoy M1.
To clarify price, I would be open to spending double if there is a significant increase in performance.
You won’t get any more throw unless you go for a larger head. If you are limited to a 32mm head, you are literally limited in your throw range. This is why you are getting suggestions outside your parameters. All well and good willing to pay more for more performance - bit you literally can’t buy throw.
easy straight forward family friendly UI without needing to take a 1/2 day online degree course and then forget everything taught when using it weeks later
I find the other UI’s are only good for my use as I regularly use them and so are more familiar with the functions. The only thing I dont like is the on/off button is fiddly to find otherwise for me, it would be a perfect torch. It doesnt have your other requirement for a tail switch
M21B with KW CULPM1.TG. 6 amp driver
Decent throw for the reflector size. Tail switch. Simple UI. Similar size to your other Convoys. 21700, so a bit thicker. Head diameter within your range.
You would have to find a clip for it, but that should not be hard. A quick search showed me hundreds of listings. I am sure you could find one that works for you. At least the grooves for a clip are there.
But you didn’t define what “throw” means for you. And, what balance you can accept in a beam profile. The light above has a nice tight hot spot, but not much in the way of spill. It could be used for walking, certainly. But I find something with brighter spill better for that. Quite honestly, I can’t think of the last time I just had to see further than ~50 meters when walking or jogging. If I was going to be in a situation where I had to spot dangerous critters at 200 meters or more, I damn sure would use a light designed for that purpose. Which probably means I couldn’t pocket it or clip it to a belt.
Life is full of compromises, maybe even more so when it comes to flashlights. I have many, many lights and over 20 years of collecting them. I can’t think of any one that is perfect for everything I want in every situation. Anyway…
Good luck.
I EDC a S21A with SFT40 and use a Thrym Switchback for the clip.
If I need more throw I know I’m going to need more throw and will take a bigger light with me as well. For me its the perfect trade off of size vs runtime.
Went out on a hike today and compared it to my M2. The S21B has just marginally less throw than the M2, but with a MASSIVELY bigger spill. Although I mostly only care about throw it is an undeniably more useful beam pattern than the M2, and fulfills my standard for a pocket thrower. It is a touch heavier but much more comfy to carry in the pocket because of its smooth shape. I’m using the Convoy pocket clip that bolts around the tailswitch area. Overall I’m very pleased and think this will be my new EDC light.