My plan is to make up some boot warmers from these are on ALiExpress:
However, the notes say they need 2A. I just realized my plan to use them with an ENB Power pack will not work. Does anyone know of a power pack that can provide 2A of current, preferably with swapable cell bays?
I think most of those 4x18650 boxes ave a so called “apple output” and a normal output. that apple output should be able to deliver 2.1A.
let me check something…
Thanks totilde. I had forgotten I’d seen those boxes, they’d work if none others exist that would be easier. I’ll see if I can find anything else that HKJ may have reviewed.
Thanks, I had missed that Coollook pack (there is one that does not have the batteries included). In fact I already ordered a couple of the others an hour ago. On the Coollook there is some confisuing information. It appears to do 2A, but ‘Geek’ said the following: “The maximum current is 2A (both ports combined).” I assume however if you are just using one port it will give 2A because in the same thread ‘Dirtbasher’ said: “It provides max 2 amps which chargers an iPad perfectly if you have decent amphere hour batteries installed. At 2amp ,The output voltage is perfectly stable for more than 3 hours and the efficiency is close to 90%”.
Instead of removing the screws I’ll probably carry the packs in these pouches:
It looks like one advantage to the Coollook is no need to unscrew the case. From what I can gather, those original ENB 2 cell power packs could yield 1.5A, and I noticed the 3 cell one can charge my Lenovo Tablet (1.5A may prove to be sufficient for those boot warmers). The 2 cell are no longer available on FT anyway, so no need to consider them, although they fit nicely into that pouch I posted. It may also be possible to shoe horn that 4 cell pack into it, and I’m thinking that if it fits into the pouch, I may not even need to screw the cover onto it. Is there any other advantages to the Coollook over the other 4 cell pack that perhaps I have overlooked? I imagine if these work out I’ll end up building quite a few of them anyway.