[30-AUG-2011] Revised community moderated anti-SPAM system

the ugly can be art as well!

Shootin em down mighty quick...I like it.

fishmaniac, thought got a bug in my screen. lol

Got me too. I do have a few ants running around my home lately and thought I had an ant on my screen lol

I haven't seen one spam today so its working

Thank god it's not just me

Wow. Look what happens when I'm away for a few days. Mr. Admin makes an overhaul, fixes the place up, slaps on a pretty new button... Thanks again!

This is terrific......thanks admin.

good job , all seems to be well sorted

It all sounds good!

Let's see what Conan thinks...


If one of our problems is that links are getting picked up by google, would anybody here object to some client-side javascript de-obfuscation?

Google's spiders will see the page that is served, with, say, '[BLF link] www#dealextreme#com [/BLF]', while we see 'www.dealextreme.com'. It should be a fairly straightforward and lightweight bit of code.

Hi devman, thanks for the suggestion. I personally don't mind linking to good companies and deals, as well as other sites that provide useful information about some product we are discussing. It's just that we don't want to help out the spammers' cause.

Another option might be ref=nofollow links for the domain names of the bad guys.

I noticed pissy.co was back today but didn't last too long

Sweet, it's working like it's supposed to then.

Nice job guys! We just had an influx of spam from some idiot, and you guys modded all the posts into oblivion within minutes.

Thanks for your help!

We must de-incentivize the importation of Specially Prepared Assorted Meats to our conversation-space!

Actully, after today's little spam-attack, I started thinking perhaps we could pick a middle-ground between the old and new systems. I realize that Mr. Admin just slipped in a new system, so consider this 'future suggestions in case things "Get Bad(R)" '

If someone has a post marked as spam 5 times, it's unpublished and his spammer rating increases by one

If someone has 3 or more posts unpublished (spammer rating > 3), future posts only require 3 spam flags to unpublish.

The account spammer-rating is invisible to end users, and is reduced by one every month.

All links are marked as 'no-follow' for the first 24 hours.

The system would be self-correcting over time (incorrect account flags expire), invisible to the end user, and should make it easier to clean up the board when these attacks occur during low-traffic hours.

Whew. Venting complete, I feel like I kinda sorta contributed, and... time to go shopping online. Oooh! discount viagra!

I was tempted. Hope this isn't a repost.

Good idea devman, thanks for your help with this.

Hmm, this wouldn't be very easy to set up unfortunately... I see a few issues too:
- The "nofollow" trick probably wouldn't stop spammers, because they don't know what it means and they don't look carefully enough to see if the link has it or not.
- What about blocking users? Would your system automatically block users?

this guy is stupid enough to spam our anti-spam thread?