link doesn’t work.
Sorry …should be fixed know
How about 40 shipped each for the kits ??
And best offer on the elephant ll host
still got one of these available?
Do you have any decent dropins as well you could sell?
I’d much like an ez900 driven hard with this for my solarforce.
Any hard driven LED would be ok, EZ900 top of the list followed by a hard driven SST50 then an XML-U2
I have a new drop in (that would be the pill and reflector) and a 8x7135 driver for 4$ more ?
I don’t have any LEDs to offer at this moment sorry
If you can hold onto that till friday it shall be mine (friday is payday).
That and a delicious jm26, I absolutely love 40-50k lux at a solid 800-1100 lumens.
What kind of lux do these do with a U2 driven hard?
tell u the truth i never pushed one hard maybe someone can comment
ps: ill put the items aside for u so i dont sell them
TTT few days left of this sale get the kits at this price while u can if not ill be making complete lights with them
$50 for elephant ll host
All kits are sold
Hi nitro,
Would you consider any trades for the elle body?
I'm a little short on cash right now, but if your into modding at all perhaps we can strike a deal. I have a lathe :)
Thanks either way.
Sure ill be needing some lathe work done when I get back from a 2 week vacation ill pm u then
I just spent over $250 on parts for few large builds so I’m busy when I get back
Sounds great. Just let me know.
Still got my kit sitting there?
PM me your paypal info so we can get that on the way.
Any update on this?
been looking for one of these for a while….
I am pretty sure he is out of town on vacation. I think he said for 2 weeks so he may be on the road at the moment and cannot respond.
oh, yeah, I had a really crazy week and totally missed his PM to me, my bad.
hopefully my dereelight ez900 is here by the time he gets back…
Got service at McDonald’s lol but piney I did bring it with me just incase u did still want it, ill have it in the mail to u ASAP
Wow, hows that for service. :)