3x LED Headlamp

$13.98 with shipping
Any one bought this? It looks pretty cool and fun to mod. It has the military look…
One might mistaken it as night vision scope. LoL.

Must be pretty heavy upfront :slight_smile:

look heavy if you look at the head design and why need so much light when use headlamp?its not practical for me since i need the weight as light as it can 0:)

Different LED colors: Blue>White>Warm/ yellow. I do not think they can be switch on all at once with stock configuration.

Maybe can swap with XM-L2 and XP-E red. This unit may be cheaper than you thought.

Yup, it is true for cycling but maybe it has better appeal for cosplayers where look is more important?

the one who dress like anime character or movie?
sometimes i imagine myself wearing IRONMAN armor by using a circle led strip on my chest :slight_smile:

LOL. I just bought one because I am very curious of how it look like. They are having 20% off for 2 more days.
fyi: I am not into cosplaying. Maybe airsoft application is much suitable.

if they sell it with RED,YELLOW and GREEN people will mistaken you for traffic light :bigsmile: