4 lamps broken. What can i do with these?

Hello ! (sorry for spamming threads, but i really need help with this one…)

I bought these flashlights for like a year ago. But they broke like 5 mins after using them. ALL of these 4… Very strange… Since then, i have not been a fan of Ultrafire.
But i thought, since they are just laying around, i might as well do something with them, if its possible.

Is there ANYTHING i can do with these lights? That dont cost alot.

Im not sure if these are real, or if they are copies of Ultrafire, and thjats maybe why they broke down so fast?

If its hard to read, im unsure about the quality of the pictures…
The Longer one is an: Ultrafire WF-501B.
And the smaller one is: Ultrafire 7084.

The 501B uses a 15w “Xenon Bulb” it says, so its not a LED.

501 b's can be fitted with a led drop-in of your choice and the other 2 if you really want to fix them,start troubleshooting beginning with battery and next short batt.- to body with a length of wire.If all that checks out,it could be a wiring issue or driver problem and usually disassembly of the head is required.If you don't feel like messing around,just sell as parts/not working.

What batteries did you use in each?

Cool ! Well, the other smaller one, i might throw in the garbage then. Im not so good at electronic devices.
Can you help me find a LED driver to the 501B? i cant find anything on Ebay, not sure what to search :confused:

the 501b is a p60 host so any p60 “module” should drop in and work fine, given it was the bulb that went out(simple module replacement) and not the switch, but i doubt 2 switches with break within 5 minutes. you can find p60s everywhere, and of varying quality, and all kinds of LEDs.

Manafont sells a variety, here is one for example, a 3 mode XML module


I used CR123 in both. Might that be why they broke?

A lot of these modules are only good up to 4.2volts, so two cr123’s would make it go Paf

There are modules that will take two cr123’s you just got to pick one that has the voltage range you want 2.8v-6v or 3v-18v are common with Solarforce and Ultrafire P60 dropins.
Dropins are easy to swap and take no skill, just use the right batteries :wink:

Thank you very much indeed !
But almost 10 bucks, thats what a new 501B flashlight costs?

Very likely,usually they are rated for 1x18650.Xenon can be blown easily with too much voltage and it’s easy to tell they are blown by looking at the bulb filament.

haha yea, these lights are so cheap that its usually better to just buy another one. I recently bought a complete 502b (very similar light but with a clip) of amazon for 10 and change XD

also i believe 2 cr123s overloaded the driver/bulb and made it go poof

pm sent

Oh i see. Now i feel bad… Or most awkward… :stuck_out_tongue:
Well, i didnt know anything a bout Flashlights then, and i thought it didnt matter what battery i used :S i feel so dumb… :confused: